Historical Events In 2000
Tuesday, 04 March 2025
Jan 06 Quebec Central Railway takes over the former CPR Quebec Central Lines. Service between Sherbrooke and Vallee Jonction resumed 24 June 2000. The new Quebec Central is operated by Express Marco Inc in the year 2000.
Jan 06 In the year 2000 quebec Central Railway takes over the former CPR Quebec Central Lines. Service between Sherbrooke and Vallee Jonction resumed 24 June 2000. The new Quebec Central is operated by Express Marco Inc.
Jan 07 On this day in history an exhausted 14-year-old Tibetan Buddhist leader reaches India after trekking across the snowy Himalayas, a defection that embarrassed Chinese leaders who used him as a symbol of their rule over Tibet.
Jan 16 Ricardo Lagos is elected Chile's first socialist president since Salvador Allende, whose government was toppled in a bloody 1973 military coup led by Gen Augusto Pinochet in the year 2000.
Jan 17 In the year 2000 almost 50,000 people marched in Columbia, S.C., to protest the flying of the Confederate battle flag over the state Capitol.
Jan 19 In the year 2000 film star Hedy Lamarr, 86, found dead in her Florida home
Jan 20 Moveable Media, internet pioneer, is founded in the year 2000.
Jan 20 In the year 2000 sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., warned the U.N. Security Council that the United States would withdraw from the world body if it failed to respect American sovereignty.
Feb 01 Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico say they have traced the origin of the AIDS virus to around 1930 on this day in history.
Feb 03 On this day in history natalie Rasmussen and Ryan Crump start dating
Feb 12 On this day in history former Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry dies at age 75 after battling leukemia for nine months.
Feb 12 In the year 2000 peanuts creator Charles Schulz dies of colon cancer in his Santa Rosa, California, home at age 77.
Feb 14 On this day in history tornadoes rip through southwestern Georgia just after midnight, killing 19 people and injuring more than 100 others.
Feb 28 In the year 2000 a 6.8 earthquake shook the Pacific Northwest resulting in injuries and over 1 billion dollars damage.
Mar 23 In the year 2000 papua New Guinea agrees to create an autonomous government on Bougainville island and says it may hold a referendum on independence following autonomy;
Mar 24 In the year 2000 two 18-year-old boys are arrested in Britain on charges of breaking into e-commerce Internet sites in five countries, stealing information on more than 26,000 credit card accounts and posting some of it on the Web
Mar 29 A US Air Force report shows a link between Agent Orange and diabetes in veterans who sprayed the chemical in the Vietnam War. Finally in the year 2000.
Apr 02 French archaeologists announce they have discovered the remains of a 4,000-year-old queen's pyramid south of Cairo, complete with texts of special prayers previously found only with kings in the year 2000.
Apr 03 On this day in history 62nd NCAA Men's Basketball Championship at RCA Dome Indianapolis
Jun 04 In Southern Sumatera, Indonesia a 7.9 quake resulted in at least 103 people killed, 2,174 injured, extensive damage (VI) and landslides in the Bengkulu area; minor injuries and damage on Enggano in the year 2000.
Jun 08 Pultizer Prize Winning cartoonist Jeff MacNelly, creator of the comic strip Shoe, dies of cancer at age 52 in the year 2000.
Jun 19 The last rail on the order books of Sysco (Sydney Steel) is rolled on this day in history.
Jul 01 Dengue fever in Central America on this day in history.
Aug 05 On this day in history sir Alec Guinness, revered as one of Britain's most versatile actors, dies at 86.
Aug 15 On this day in history a group of 100 separated family members from North Korea arrive in South Korea for temporary reunions with relatives they have not seen for half a century.
Aug 16 In the year 2000 heather breaks up with Wayne for good after 5 years and she says, " I'M FINALLY FREE!! "
Aug 21 On this day in history british troops are rushed on to Belfast streets after two men are killed in a violent feud between Protestant guerrilla groups.
Aug 23 A Gulf Air Airbus jetliner with 140 aboard crashes into the Persian Gulf near Bahrain shortly after takeoff, leaving no survivors on this day in history.
Aug 23 On this day in history in a 'reality TV' record an estimated 51 million US viewers tuned in for the finale of CBS' series Survivor, in which contestant Richard Hatch won the $US1 million prize.
Sep 11 In the year 2000 scientists confirm the long held suspicion It can take just a few cigarettes to become addicted. Research shows some 12 and 13-year-olds show signs of addiction within days of their first cigarette.
Sep 11 On this day in history scientists confirm the long held suspicion: It can take just a few cigarettes to become addicted. Research shows some 12 and 13-year-olds show signs of addiction within days of their first cigarette.
Sep 20 On this day in history terrorists launch a small missile at Britain's MI6 intelligence headquarters in London.
Oct 06 Heather and Brent started going out in the year 2000.
Oct 12 USS Cole (Destroyer) was bombed while refuling in Aden, Yemen 17 sailors lost their lives in the year 2000.
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