Events & Holidays In July - 02
Wednesday, 05 February 2025
Flag Day (Curacao)
Salvation Army Founders Day (United States of America)
Flag Day (Curacao)
Salvation Army Founders Day (United States of America)
1029 On this day in history birth of caliph Al-Mustansir of Cairo (d. 1094)
1262 Arthur II, Duke of Brittany (d. 1312) was born on this day in history.
1363 On this day in history birth of mary, Queen of Sicily (d. 1401)
1489 On this day in history birth of thomas Cranmer, England, archbishop/reformer/martyr
1492 On this day in history birth of elizabeth Tudor, English princess (d. 1495)
1581 On this day in history birth of johann Staden, composer
1589 On this day in history birth of guillaume van Messaus, composer
1636 On this day in history birth of daniel Speer, composer
0783 Bert(h)a/Berthrada, mother of Charles the Great, dies on this day in history.
0936 Henry I the Vogelaar, German king (919-36)/duke of Saxon 912-36, dies on this day in history.
1298 On this day in history adolf van Nassau, RC-German king (1292-98), dies in battle at about 43
1504 Stefanus III Bogdanowitsj, ruler of Moldavia (1457-1504), dies on this day in history.
1566 On this day in history nostradamus, [Michel de Nostre-Dam], French astrologist, dies at 62
1582 On this day in history death of akechi Mitsuhide, Japanese samurai (b. 1528)
1591 Death of Vincenzo Galilei, Italian composer (b. 1520) on this day in history.
1619 Olivier de Serres, French farming pioneer (silkworms), dies on this day in history.