Historical Events In October - 11
Saturday, 22 February 2025
0732 On October - 11 battle at Tours: France under Karel Martel beat Moors
0732 On this day in history abd ar-Rahman, Yemenite general strategist (Bordeaux occupier), dies
0965 Bruno I, archbishop of Cologne/duke of Lutheran, dies at about 40 on this day in history.
1138 A massive earthquake struck Aleppo, Syria on October - 11.
1188 On this day in history robert I of Dreux, son of Louis VI of France
1303 On this day in history boniface VIII, [Benedetto Gaetani], lawyer/pope (1294-1303), dies
1347 Louis IV, Duke of Bayern/Romania-Germany King/emperor, dies on October - 11.
1424 Jan Zizka, Czech (army)leader (Hussieten), dies of plague at 46 on October - 11.
1492 On October - 11 columbus' ships sites land on the horizon (Bahamas)
1521 Pope Leo X titles King Henry VIII of England "Defender of the Faith" on October - 11.
1531 On October - 11 battle at Kappel: Swiss RC kantons beat protestant
1531 On this day in history huldrych Zwingli, Swiss church reformer (Zwinglianen), dies
1540 Emperor Karel names his son Philip, duke of Milan on October - 11.
1573 On this day in history battle of South Seas
1573 Jacob Boonen, South Netherlands clergyman/lawyer on October - 11.
1593 Claes P "Nicolaas" Tulip, anatomy/mayor of Amsterdam (1654..71) on this day in history.
1598 On October - 11 joachim Camerarius, German botanist (horticulture catalog), dies
1611 On October - 11 hugues de Lionne, Marquess de Berry, French ambassador to Rome
1614 On October - 11 adriaen Block and 12 Amsterdam merchants petition the States General for exclusive trading rights in the New Netherland colony.
1617 On this day in history franchois Vranck, economist/writer (Deduction), dies at about 62
1634 the Burchardi flood — "the second Grote Mandrenke" killed around 15,000 men in North Friesland, Denmark and Germany on this day in history.
1643 On October - 11 battle at Wincebt: English New Model-army beats royalists
1661 Melchior de Polignac, French diplomat/elect (Anti-Lucretius) on October - 11.
1666 Henry de Fleury dee Coulan, mister of Buat/ritmeester, dies on October - 11.
1671 Frederik IV, king of Denmark/Norway (1699-1730) on October - 11.
1674 Pierre Corneille's "Surena," premieres in Paris on October - 11.
1687 Hungary accepts Habsburgse sovereignty on this day in history.
1689 On October - 11 peter the Great becomes tsar of Russia
1698 France, England & Netherlands signs 1st Extermination treaty on October - 11.
1705 On October - 11 guillaume Amontons, French physicist, dies at 42
1726 On this day in history benjamin Franklin returns to Philadelphia from England
1737 Earthquake kills 300,000 & destroys « of Calcutta India on this day in history.
1737 Earthquake kills 300,000 and destroys half of Calcutta India on this day in history.
1738 On October - 11 arthur Phillip, admiral/1st governor New-South Wales