Historical Events In 1536
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Jan 06 In the year 1536 baldassare Peruzzi, Italian architect/painter, dies
Jan 07 In the year 1536 catherine o fAragon, the divorced first wife of King Henry VIII of England dies
Jan 07 In the year 1536 catherine of Aragon, 1st wife of England's King Henry VIII, dies
Jan 17 François Rabelais absolved of apostasy by Pope Paul III on this day in history.
Jan 17 Francois Rabelais absolved of apostasy by Pope Paul III on this day in history.
Feb 02 In the year 1536 buenos Aires, Argentina, is founded by Pedro de Mendoza of Spain.
Feb 02 Pedro de Mendoza finds Argentine city of Buenos Aires on this day in history.
Feb 03 Garcia de Resende, Port writer/publisher (Cancioneiro Geral), dies in the year 1536.
Feb 18 In the year 1536 france & Turkey sign military/trade agreement against King Karel
Feb 18 France & Turkey sign milt/trade agreement against King Karel on this day in history.
Feb 24 Clement VIII, [Ippolito Aldofireini], Fano Italy, Pope (1592-1605) on this day in history.
Mar 16 Ibrahim Pasha, grand-visier of Osmaanse Rich, murdered at about 45 in the year 1536.
Apr 14 English king Henry VIII expropriate minor monasteries on this day in history.
May 02 King Henry VIII accused Anna Boleyn of adultery & incest in the year 1536.
May 02 King Henry VIII accused Anna Boleyn of adultery &incest on this day in history.
May 06 On this day in history king Henry VIII, orders bible be placed in every church
May 10 In the year 1536 thomas Howard, 4th duke of Norfolk, English Earl Marshall
May 15 Anna Boleyn & Lord Rochford accused of adultery/incest on this day in history.
May 17 Anne Boleyn's 4 "lovers" executed on this day in history.
May 17 In the year 1536 anne Boleyns 4 "lovers" executed
May 18 Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII of England, is beheaded after being convicted for adultery in the year 1536.
May 19 Anne Boleyn, Queen of England/wife of Henry VIII, beheaded on this day in history.
May 23 On this day in history pope Paul III installs Portugese inquisition
May 30 English king Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour in the year 1536.
May 30 In the year 1536 king Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour
Jun 06 Mexico begins it's inquisition in the year 1536.
Jul 09 French navigator Jacques Cartier returns to Saint-Malo from Canada in the year 1536.
Jul 12 On this day in history desiderius Erasmus, humanist/priest (Novum instrumentum omne), dies
Jul 18 Pope's authority declared void in England on this day in history.
Jul 25 Sebastián de Belalcázar on his search of El Dorado founds the City of Santiago de Cali in the year 1536.
Aug 13 Buddhist monks from KyÅto's Enryaku Temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout Kyoto in the Tenbun Hokke Disturbance. (Traditional Japanese date: July 27, 1536) in the year 1536.
Aug 17 Pietersz, book publisher (Kersten Knight on this day in history.
Sep 08 In the year 1536 earl of Nassau disbands siege of Peronne
Sep 24 Janus Secundus, neo latin poet (Basia), dies at 24 on this day in history.
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