{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1905
Friday, 14 March 2025
Jun 18 On this day in history birth of john Gardener, boatbuilder/writer
Jun 19 In the year 1905 birth of george Voskovec, Czech, actor (Fred-Nero Wolfe, Peter-Skag)
Jun 19 Mildred Natwick, American actress (d. 1994) was born on this day in history.
Jun 19 On this day in history birth of taneli Kuusisto, composer
Jun 20 In the year 1905 birth of lillian Hellman, American playwright (d. 1984)
Jun 21 On this day in history birth of jacques Goddot, French publisher (Tour de France)
Jun 21 On this day in history birth of jean Paul Sartre, existentialist/writer (Le Mur, Nobel 1964; declined)
Jun 22 Walter Leigh, composer was born in the year 1905.
Jun 23 Jack Pickersgill, Canadian politician (d. 1997) was born on this day in history.
Jun 25 On this day in history birth of ian Cromb, cricketer (NZ pace bowler in the early 1930's)
Jun 26 Jack Longland, British director of education (Derbyshire) was born in the year 1905.
Jun 26 On this day in history birth of jan Louis Guillaume "Yvan" Doornik, Neth resistance fighter in France
Jun 27 In the year 1905 birth of ruby Middleton Forsythe, teacher (50 years in 1 room school in SC)
Jun 29 On this day in history birth of manuel Altolaguirre, Spanish poet/publisher (La lenta libertad)
Jun 30 Nestor Paiva, Fresno CA, actor (Comanche, Fear, Tarantula, Killer Ape) was born in the year 1905.
Jul 02 On this day in history birth of jean-Rene Lacoste, France, US Open (1926)/alligator shirt designer
Jul 04 Dante Fiorillo, composer was born in the year 1905.
Jul 04 Irving Johnson, American adventurer (d. 1991) was born on this day in history.
Jul 04 On this day in history birth of lionel Trilling, author (1969 Poses Award, Liberal Imagination)
Jul 05 In the year 1905 birth of isa Miranda, [Ines Sampietro], Italian model/actress (La ronde)
Jul 05 Jock Cameron, South African cricket keeper (captain) was born on this day in history.
Jul 05 Myles Horton, American educator and Civil Rights Movement teacher (d. 1990) was born in the year 1905.
Jul 07 Marcel Rubin, composer was born on this day in history.
Jul 08 Leonid Amalrik, Russian animator (d. 1997) was born on this day in history.
Jul 09 Clarence Campbell, Saskatchewan, 3rd NHL pres (1946-77) was born in the year 1905.
Jul 10 Thomas Gomez, NYC, actor (Force of Evil, Key Largo, Kim, Sellout) was born on this day in history.
Jul 10 On this day in history birth of wolfram Sievers, Nazi physician (d. 1948)
Jul 12 On this day in history birth of john C F, son of English King George V
Jul 13 In the year 1905 birth of alfredo M. Santos, First Four-star General of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, World War II hero (d. 1990)
Jul 15 On this day in history birth of dorothy Fields, lyricist (I'm in the Mood for Love)
Jul 17 Norman Waterhouse Lees, jazz fan was born on this day in history.
Jul 17 William Gargan, Bkln NY, actor (Dynamite, Ellery Queen) was born in the year 1905.
Jul 19 In the year 1905 birth of boyd Neel, Blackheath, Kent England, conductor (Story of an Orch)
Jul 19 Edgar P Snow, US author/journalist: Red star over China was born in the year 1905.
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