Historical Events In 1563
Thursday, 13 March 2025
Jan 30 Franciscus Gomarus, [Francois Gomaer], Dutch theologist/opera singer in the year 1563.
Feb 01 Menas, Emperor of Ethiopia (died of fever) on this day in history.
Feb 02 Hans Neusiedler, Hungarian/German luitist/author, dies at approx 54 on this day in history.
Feb 15 In the year 1563 russian troops occupy Polotsk Lithuania
Feb 18 Huguenot Jean Poltrot de Méré shoots General François De Guise on this day in history.
Feb 18 Huguenot Jean Poltrot de Mere shoots gen Francois De Guise on this day in history.
Feb 24 On this day in history francois Guise, French general/duke, assassinated at 44
Feb 27 William Byrd is appointed organist at Lincoln Cathedral in the year 1563.
Mar 01 London plague in London killing 20,100+ in London people in the year 1563.
Mar 11 League of High Nobles routes 2nd protest against King Philip II in the year 1563.
Mar 12 John Bull, composer of British natl anthem (God Save The King), dies on this day in history.
Mar 19 In the year 1563 peace of Amboise: Rights for Huguenots
Mar 19 Peace of Amboise; Rights for Huguenots in the year 1563.
Apr 30 Jews are expelled from France by order of Charles VI in the year 1563.
Jun 01 Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, English prime minister (1598-1612) on this day in history.
Jul 27 In the year 1563 french army recaptures Le Havre
Jul 29 In the year 1563 league of High Nobles routes King Philip II
Aug 17 On this day in history king Charles IX of France (13) declared an adult
Aug 30 Jewish community of Neutitschlin Moravia expelled on this day in history.
Sep 08 In the year 1563 maximilian chosen king of Hungary
Sep 17 Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of Rutland, English soldier in the year 1563.
Oct 13 Francesco Caracciolo, Italian religious founder/saint (Caracciolini) in the year 1563.
Oct 17 On this day in history jodocus Hondius, Flemish mathematician/cartographer
Nov 05 In the year 1563 anna van Nassau, daughter of prince Willem I/Anna of Saksen
Nov 27 Robbert Robbertsz, (le Canu), nautical expert in the year 1563.
Dec 04 Council of Trent holds last session, after 18 years on this day in history.
Dec 29 In the year 1563 francesco Maria Guaitoli, composer