{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1920
Monday, 31 March 2025
Aug 19 Paul Kont, composer was born on this day in history.
Aug 21 Christopher R Milne, son of Alan A Milne (Winnie the Pooh) was born on this day in history.
Aug 22 Anthony Tuke, CEO (Savoy Hotel Groups) was born in the year 1920.
Aug 22 Denton Cooley, Houston, heart surgeon (1st artifical heart transplant) was born on this day in history.
Aug 22 On this day in history birth of pierre A Lauffer, Antillian poet (Patria)
Aug 22 Ray[mond Douglas] Bradbury, Ill, sci-fi author (Fahrenheit 451) was born on this day in history.
Aug 22 W Schnurre, writer was born on this day in history.
Aug 23 On this day in history birth of aart Verstegen, ballet dancers/choreographer (Jolly Joker's Last Joke)
Aug 25 In the year 1920 birth of jef Diederen, Dutch painter
Aug 26 Brant Parker, American cartoonist (d. 2007) was born in the year 1920.
Aug 27 On this day in history birth of james Molyneaux, MP (Ulster unionist)
Aug 28 In the year 1920 birth of frits Bernard, pedophile activist (d. 2006)
Aug 29 On this day in history birth of charles White, Perth Amboy NJ, actor (Airpot 95, Serpico)
Aug 29 In the year 1920 birth of charlie "Bird" Parker, US jazz saxophonist
Aug 29 On this day in history birth of susan Damante Shaw, London England, actress (Wilderness Family)
Aug 30 On this day in history birth of ben Cami, Flemish writer/poet (Rose from Mud)
Aug 31 James Lanphier, NY, actor (Flight of Lost Balloon) was born on this day in history.
Sep 01 Hubert Lampo, Flemish writer/essayist (Coming of Joachim Stiller) was born in the year 1920.
Sep 01 Richard Farnsworth, LA Calif, actor (Misery, Havana, Sylvester) was born on this day in history.
Sep 04 Clemar Bucci, Argentine racing driver was born on this day in history.
Sep 04 Craig Claiborne, food columnist (NY Times Cookbook) was born on this day in history.
Sep 04 Teddy Johnson, British singer was born on this day in history.
Sep 05 In the year 1920 birth of fons Rademakers, director (Assault)/actor (Daughter of Darkness)
Sep 05 In the year 1920 birth of margaretha D Ferguson-Wigerink, Dutch author (Anna & her Father)
Sep 05 On this day in history birth of peter Racine Fricker, British composer
Sep 07 Al Caiola, American guitarist was born in the year 1920.
Sep 07 On this day in history birth of harri Webb, poet
Sep 09 Feng Kang, Chinese mathematician (d. 1993) was born on this day in history.
Sep 09 In the year 1920 birth of michael Aldridge, Glastonbury England, actor (Murder in Cathedral)
Sep 09 Robert Wood Johnson III, American philanthropist (d. 1970) was born on this day in history.
Sep 10 In the year 1920 birth of egbert van Paridon, Dutch actor/director (Assault)
Sep 10 Fabio Taglioni, Italian motorcycle engineer (d. 2001) was born on this day in history.
Sep 12 On this day in history birth of irene Dailey, NYC, actress (Liz-Another World, Grissom Gang)
Sep 12 Jan W Schulte Nordholt, Dutch poet/historian (Blossoming Stone) was born on this day in history.
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