{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1955
Monday, 31 March 2025
Apr 15 In the year 1955 birth of barbara Barrow, LPGA golfer
Apr 15 In the year 1955 birth of dodi Al-Fayed, Egyptian businessman (d. 1997)
Apr 15 On this day in history birth of enith Salle Brigitha, Neth, 100m/200m swimmer (Olympic-bronze-1976)
Apr 16 In the year 1955 birth of bruce Bochy, American baseball player and manager
Apr 16 On this day in history birth of charlotte Morrison, English large landowner/multi-millionaire
Apr 16 Ellen Barkin, Bronx NY, actress (Big Easy, Sea of Love) was born on this day in history.
Apr 16 In the year 1955 birth of henri, Heir Apparent Prince of Luxembourg
Apr 17 In the year 1955 birth of pete Shelley, vocal/guitar (Buzzcocks-Going Steady, Love Bites)
Apr 17 In the year 1955 birth of peter Michalke, journalist
Apr 17 In the year 1955 birth of rob Bolland, Dutch singer/guitarist (Bolland & Bolland)
Apr 18 On this day in history birth of amschel Rothschild, banker
Apr 18 In the year 1955 birth of anne-Marie Palli, Ciboure France, LPGA golfer (1992 ShopRite)
Apr 20 Donald R Pettit, Silverton Oregon, PhD/astronaut was born in the year 1955.
Apr 22 In the year 1955 birth of arthur Baker, rock producer (Afrika Banbaataa-Planet Rock)
Apr 23 Captain Sensible, rocker was born on this day in history.
Apr 23 Judy Davis, Perth Australia, actress (Husbands & Wives) was born on this day in history.
Apr 23 On this day in history birth of mike Smith, British DJ
Apr 23 Su Ingle, British TV hostess was born in the year 1955.
Apr 23 On this day in history birth of tony Miles, chess player
Apr 24 Jack Kingston, (Rep-R-Georgia) was born in the year 1955.
Apr 24 John de Mol, Dutch media businessman was born on this day in history.
Apr 24 Michael O'Keefe, NJ, actor (Caddyshack, Ironweed, Slugger's Wife) was born in the year 1955.
Apr 25 In the year 1955 birth of américo Gallego, Argentine footballer
Apr 25 In the year 1955 birth of buster Mottram, tennis player
Apr 25 In the year 1955 birth of joanne Abbott, Sarnia Ontario, yachter (Olympics-96)
Apr 25 John Nunn, British chess player was born in the year 1955.
Apr 25 Parviz Parastui, Iranian actor was born on this day in history.
Apr 26 On this day in history birth of mike Scott, American baseball player
Apr 27 On this day in history birth of cora Ann Mahalick, NJ, news anchor (WNYW-TV)
Apr 28 Eddie Jobson, rock violinist (Zappa, UK, Roxy Music-For Your Pleasure) was born in the year 1955.
Apr 28 In the year 1955 birth of nicky Gumbel, British author and priest
Apr 28 Paul Guilfoyle, American actor was born on this day in history.
Apr 29 Gino Quilico, Canadian baritone was born in the year 1955.
Apr 29 Jerry Seinfeld, comedian/actor (Jerry-Seinfeld) was born on this day in history.
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