Famous Deaths Happened In 1768
Friday, 28 March 2025
Jan 01 On this day in history jean-Laurent Krafft, composer, dies at 73
Jan 10 Charles Cressent, French court furniture maker, dies at 82 on this day in history.
Jan 28 On this day in history john Wainwright, composer, dies at 44
Feb 01 Sir Robert Rich, 4th Baronet, British cavalry officer (b. 1685) died on this day in history.
Feb 02 Robert Smith, English mathematician (b. 1689) died on this day in history.
Feb 08 On this day in history death of george Dance the Elder, English architect (b. 1695)
Feb 17 In the year 1768 death of arthur Onslow, English politician (b. 1691)
Mar 01 Hermann Samuel Reimarus, German philosopher and writer (b. 1694) died in the year 1768.
Mar 03 Nicola Antonio Porpora, composer, dies at 81 in the year 1768.
Mar 14 Vigilio Blasio Faitello, composer, dies at 58 on this day in history.
Mar 18 Lawrence Sterne, writer (Sentimental Journey France & Italy), dies in the year 1768.
Mar 21 In the year 1768 jan J Mauricius, Dutch governor-gen of Suriname (1742-51), dies at 75
Apr 07 Michel Mathieu, composer, dies at 78 in the year 1768.
Apr 19 Filippo della Valle, Italian sculptor, dies at about 70 on this day in history.
Apr 20 In the year 1768 giovanni AC Canaletto, Italian painter/cartoonist (Rialto), dies at 70
Apr 29 Georg Brandt, Swedish chemist and minerologist (b. 1694) died in the year 1768.
May 16 On this day in history cornelis Writer, fleet supervisor, dies at about 81
May 27 On this day in history johann M Fleischmann, German/Dutch stamp/letter designer, dies
Jun 08 Johann J Winckelmann, German archaeologist, dies at 50 in the year 1768.
Jun 15 In the year 1768 death of james Short, Scottish mathematician and optician (b. 1710)
Jun 19 On this day in history death of benjamin Tasker, Governor of Maryland (b. 1690)
Jul 04 In the year 1768 willem van Hairs, Fries nobleman/poet (Suicide), dies at 58
Jul 06 Conrad Johann Conrad Beissel, composer, dies at 78 in the year 1768.
Jul 11 In the year 1768 jose Melchior de Nebra Blascu, composer, dies at 66
Jul 24 Nathanial Lardner, English theologian (b. 1684) died on this day in history.
Aug 17 Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky, Russian poet (b. 1703) died on this day in history.
Sep 02 Antoine Deparcieux, French mathematician (b. 1703) died in the year 1768.
Oct 01 On this day in history robert Simson, Scotland mathematician, dies at 80
Oct 28 Michel Blavet, French court flautist/composer, dies at 68 in the year 1768.
Oct 31 Francesco Maria Veracini, Italian opera composer, dies at 78 on this day in history.
Nov 01 Pierre van Maldere, composer, dies at 39 in the year 1768.
Nov 04 Johan Lulofs, Dutch physicist/philosopher/astronomer, dies at 57 on this day in history.
Nov 17 Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st duke of Newcastle, dies at 75 in the year 1768.
Dec 08 Jean Denis Attiret, French Jesuit missionary (b. 1702) died in the year 1768.
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