Page 3: Historical Events In March - 03
Thursday, 02 January 2025
1837 Congress increases Supreme Court membership from 7 to 9 on this day in history.
1837 On this day in history uS President Andrew Jackson & Congress recognizes Republic of Texas
1838 On March - 03 rebellion at Pelee Island, Ontario Canada
1838 George William Hill, US astronomer (calculated Moon's orbit) on March - 03.
1841 John Murray, Canada oceanographer (Depths of the Ocean) on March - 03.
1842 US child labor law regulating working hours passed (Massachusetts) on this day in history.
1842 1st US child labor law regulating working hours passed (Mass) on March - 03.
1843 On March - 03 congress appropriates $30,000 "to test the practicability of establishing a system of electro-magnetic telegraphs" by the US
1845 On March - 03 congress authorizes ocean mail contracts for foreign mail delivery
1845 On this day in history florida became the 27th state of the United States of America.
1845 On this day in history the U.S. Congress passed legislation overriding a President’s veto. It was the first time Congress had done so.
1845 On March - 03 uS law overriding a Presidential veto (John Tyler's)
1845 1st time, US Senate overrides presidential (Tyler) veto on March - 03.
1845 Georg Cantor, German mathematician (discover transfinite numbers) on this day in history.
1846 On March - 03 desiderio FA Pietri, Italian baker/marathon runner Dorando's father
1847 Alexander Graham Bell speech therapist, audiologist, inventor, was born on this day in Edinburgh Scotland on this day in history.
1847 On this day in history post Office Department authorized to issue postage stamps
1847 On March - 03 the birth of Alexander Graham Bell, American inventor of the telephone
1847 On March - 03 alexander Graham Bell, Scotland, inventor (telephone)
1848 On this day in history heinrich Olivier, German painter, dies
1849 On March - 03 gold Coinage Act authorizes $20 Double Eagle gold coin
1849 On this day in history territory of Minnesota is organized
1849 On this day in history uS Department of the Interior established by Congress
1849 Jacques Oppenheim, Dutch lawyer on this day in history.
1851 Congress authorizes smallest US silver coin (3¢ piece) on this day in history.
1851 Congress authorizes smallest US silver coin (3 cent piece) on March - 03.
1853 Transcontinental railroad survey is authorized by Congress on March - 03.
1853 On March - 03 uS Assay Office in New York NY authorized
1855 Congress approves $30,000 to test camels for military use on March - 03.
1855 On March - 03 registration of letters authorized by Congress
1857 On this day in history second Opium War: France and the United Kingdom declare war on China.
1857 Alfred Bruneau, composer on this day in history.
1858 On this day in history jozsef Bajza, Hungarian author/poet/critic, dies at 54
1861 On March - 03 russian Tsar Alexander II abolishes serfdom
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