Page 2: Historical Events In May - 02
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
1729 The birth of Catherine The Great on May - 02.
1729 On May - 02 catherine II, the Great, empress of Russia (1762-96)
1736 On this day in history albert Seba, Amsterdam pharmacist, dies at 71
1740 On this day in history elias Boudinot, lawyer/patriot, found Amer Biblical Society
1749 Empress Maria Theresa signs "Haugwitzschen State reform" on May - 02.
1750 Carlo Goldoni's "La Botega di Caffè" premieres in Mantua on May - 02.
1750 On this day in history carlo Goldoni's "La Botega di Caffè," premieres in Mantua
1752 On this day in history ludwig August Lebrun, composer
1754 Vicente Martin y Soler, composer on this day in history.
1768 Jean-Louis M Alibert, French dermatologist on this day in history.
1772 On May - 02 novalis, writer
1776 On this day in history france &Spain agree to donate arms to American rebels
1776 On this day in history france & Spain agreed to give weapons to American rebels
1779 On May - 02 john Galt, Scotland, novelist (Ayrshire Legatees, Lawrie Todd)
1780 William Herschel discovers first binary star, Xi Ursae Majoris on May - 02.
1780 On May - 02 william Herschel discovers 1st binary star, Xi Ursae Majoris
1799 On May - 02 henri-Joseph Rigel, composer, dies at 58
1808 On May - 02 uprising against French occupation begins in Madrid
1810 On May - 02 hans Christian Lumbye, composer
1810 On this day in history rev. Dr. Henry Jerome de Salis, divine (b.1740)
1816 Marriage of Léopold of Saxe-Coburg and Charlotte Augusta on this day in history.
1817 On May - 02 zikmund Michal Kolesovsky, composer
1818 On this day in history herman W Daendels, governor-gen of Guinea (1815-18), dies at 55
1821 Abram Sanders Piatt, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1908 on this day in history.
1824 On this day in history goethe visits Ettersberg (Buchenwald)
1829 After anchoring nearby, Captain Charles Fremantle of the HMS Challenger, declares the Swan River Colony in Australia on this day in history.
1833 Czar Nicolas bans public sale of serfs on May - 02.
1835 Hudson's Bay Company launches The Beaver, the first steamship on the British Columbia coast on this day in history.
1837 Henry Martyn Robert, parliamentarian (Robert's Rules of Order) on May - 02.
1843 Carl Michael Ziehrer, composer on May - 02.
1844 Elijah McCoy, black inventor, held over 50 patents on May - 02.
1845 On May - 02 domingo Sarmiento publishes "Civilización y Barbarie"
1845 On May - 02 domingo Sarmiento publishes "Civilización y Barbarie"
1845 August Pauly, German writer (Real Encyclopedia), dies at 48 on this day in history.
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