Historical Events In 1692
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 06 On this day in history rynoldus Popma van Oevering, composer
Jan 19 John Commelin, director of Hortus Botanist (Amsterdam), dies at 62 in the year 1692.
Feb 13 On this day in history macDonald clan murdered on orders of King William III
Feb 13 Under orders from King William a Royalist force, under the command of Captain Robert Campbell of Glenlyon, carried out the Massacre of Glencoe which resulted in the death of 38 MacIan MacDonalds in the year 1692.
Feb 24 Antimo Liberati, composer, dies at 74 on this day in history.
Feb 28 Salem witch hunt begins on this day in history.
Feb 29 Edward Cave, England, printer (Gentlemen's Magazine) on this day in history.
Feb 29 On this day in history sarah Good & Tituba, an Indian servant, accused of witchcraft, Salem
Mar 01 In the year 1692 sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, & Tituba arrest for witchcraft (Salem, MA)
Mar 01 Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, &Tituba arrest for witchcraft (Salem MA) in the year 1692.
Mar 14 Peter Musschenbroek, Dutch physician/physicist (Leyden jar) in the year 1692.
Mar 22 On this day in history emperor Leopold I names duke Earnest August of Braunschweig, king
Mar 25 Gerardus L Blasius, Flemish anatomist, dies at about 66 on this day in history.
Mar 26 On this day in history king Maximilian installed as land guardian of South Netherlands
Apr 08 Giuseppe Tartini, Italy, violinist/composer (Trillo del Diavolo) on this day in history.
Apr 12 Giuseppe Tartini, composer, Istria in the year 1692.
Apr 14 On this day in history carlos de Gurrea, Spanish viceroy (Spanish Netherlands), dies
Apr 22 In the year 1692 edward Bishop is jailed for proposong flogging as cure for witchcraft
May 03 In the year 1692 jan J Mauricius, Dutch governor-general of Suriname (1742-51)
May 18 Elias Ashmole, antiquary, dies on this day in history.
May 18 In the year 1692 joseph Butler, Wantage Berkshire, theologian
May 29 Battle at La Hogue English & Dutch fleet beat France on this day in history.
May 29 Battle at La Hogue: English & Dutch fleet beat France on this day in history.
May 29 Royal Hospital Founders Day first celebrated in the year 1692.
Jun 07 On this day in history earthquake in Porte Royale, Jamaica, kills 3,000
Jun 07 On this day in history porte Royale Jamaica slides into harbor after earthquake
Jun 24 In the year 1692 kingston Jamaica founded
Jul 10 In the year 1692 bridget Bishop first Salem witch hung
Jul 10 Bridget Bishop, 1st Salem witch hanged in the year 1692.
Jul 24 In the year 1692 french defeat William III of England at Steinkirk (Enghein)
Aug 03 In the year 1692 battle at Steenkerke: French beat English/Dutch army
Aug 13 On this day in history anton Simon Ignaz Praelisauer, composer
Aug 19 5 women executed for witchcraft in Salem Mass in the year 1692.
Sep 22 Last (8) person hanged for witchcraft in US (Salem Mass) in the year 1692.
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