Quotations Page With 'K'
Monday, 10 March 2025
Kindness gives birth to kindness.
- Sophocles -
Kindness noble ever than revenge.
- Shakespeare, As You Like It -
Little deeds of kindness, little words of loveHelp to make earth happy, like the heaven above.
- Jalia A.Carny. Little Things -
"Twas a thief said the last kind word to Christ;Christ took kindness, and forgave the theft.
- R.Browning, The Ring and the book -
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.
- Geothe -
A little more than kin, and less than kind.
- Shakespeare -
Kings are like stars - they rise, they set, they leave, The worship of the world, but to repose.
- Shelley -
A king of shreds and patches.
- Shakespeare, Hamlet -
Kings and their swords are inferior to the sowrds of ethics.
- M. Gandhi -
The power of kings (if rightly understood)is but a grant from Heaven of doing good.
- W. Somerville -
And our spirit rushed together at the touching of lips.
- Tennyson -
Stolen kisses are always sweetest.
- Leigh Hunt -
Leave a kiss but in the cupAnd I'll not look for wine :
- Ben Johnson, To Celia -
"Are you too proud to kiss me ?" the morning light asks the butter cup.
- Tennyson -
O a kiss, Long as my exile, sweet as my revenge;
- Shekespeare -
Oh , fire, Miss, you must not kiss and tell.
- Congreve, Love for love -
The worst of all knaves are those who can mimic their former honesty.
- Lavater -
Gainst knave and thieves men shut their gate.
- Shakespeare, Twelfth Night -
The human knee is joint and not an entertaintment.
- Percy Hammond -
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