Historical Events In 1350
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Mar 12 Orvieto city says it will behead & burn Jewish-Christian couples on this day in history.
Mar 26 In the year 1350 alfonso XI, King of Castile & Leon, dies
Jun 27 Manuel II Palaiologos, Eastern Roman Emperor in the year 1350.
Aug 12 In the year 1350 philip VI, king of France, dies
Aug 22 Philips VI, of Valois, King of France (1328-50), dies on this day in history.
Aug 29 In the year 1350 battle of Winchelsea (or Les Espagnols sur Mer): The English naval fleet under King Edward III defeats a Castilian fleet of 40 ships.
Oct 12 Dimitri "Donskoi" Ivanovitch, great monarch of Vladimir-Soezdal on this day in history.
Dec 26 On this day in history jean de Marigny, French bishop