Historical Events In November - 09
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
0526 Jews are expelled from Pressburg Hungary by Maria of Hapsburg on this day in history.
0694 Spanish King Egica accuses Jews of aiding Moslems/sentenced to slavery on November - 09.
0959 Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine Emperor (913-59), dies on November - 09.
1068 On this day in history agnes of Poitou, duchess of Aquitania/mother of German Empress, dies
1282 On this day in history pope Martinus IV excommunicates king Pedro III of Aragonorth
1313 On November - 09 louis the Bavarian defeats his cousin Frederick I of Austria at the Battle of Gamelsdorf.
1330 Battle of Posada, Wallachian Voievode Basarab I defeats the Hungarian army in an ambush on November - 09.
1414 On this day in history albrecht III Achilles, elector of Brandenburg
1467 On November - 09 charles of Egmond, duke of Gelre/earl of Zutphen [or Nov 10]
1492 Peace of Etaples (Henry VII & Charles VIII) on this day in history.
1494 Family de' Medici become rulers of Florence on this day in history.
1520 On this day in history swedish King Christian II executes 600 nobles
1526 Jews are expelled from Pressburg Hungary by Maria of Hapsburg on November - 09.
1541 On November - 09 queen Catharine Howard confined in London Tower
1541 On this day in history menso Alting, Dutch reformed vicar/theologist
1569 On this day in history catholic uprising under Northumberland & Westmoreland
1580 On November - 09 spanish troops lands in Ireland
1580 Gaspar Schetz, South Neth, minster of chief treasurer, dies at 67 on this day in history.
1620 On November - 09 louise de Coligny, 4th wife of Willem of Orange, dies at 65
1623 On this day in history william Camden, English historian: Brittania/Annales, dies at 72
1641 On November - 09 ferdinand, of Austria, cardinal of Spain, dies at 32
1656 On November - 09 paul Aler, French jesuit/poet (Gradus ad Parnassum)
1664 On this day in history johannes Speth, composer
1673 British king Charles II fires earl of Shaftesbury on November - 09.
1677 Aert van der Neer, Dutch landscape painter, dies at about 73 on November - 09.
1681 On November - 09 hungarian parliament promises protestants freedom of religion
1697 On November - 09 pope Innocent XII founds the city of Cervia.
1697 On this day in history claudio Casciolini, composer
1710 On November - 09 reynier de Klerk, governor-general of Dutch-Indies, baptized
1720 Rabbi Yehuda Hasid synagogue set afire on this day in history.
1729 Spain, France & England signs Treaty of Seville on November - 09.
1731 Benjamin Banneker, Ellicott Md, black mathematician/surveyor (Wash DC) on this day in history.
1754 Johann Christoph Fravenholtz, composer, dies at 70 on November - 09.
1760 Henri-Philippe Gerard, composer on November - 09.