Historical Events In 1513
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 20 Christian II succeeds Johan I as Danish/Norwegian king on this day in history.
Feb 08 Alonso de Ojeda, Spanish explorer (Curacao & Bonaire), dies on this day in history.
Feb 14 On this day in history domenico Maria Ferrabosco, Italian composer
Feb 21 In the year 1513 julius II, [Giuliano dellea Rovere], Pope (1503-13), dies at 69
Mar 11 Giovanni de' Medici chosen Pope Leo X on this day in history.
Mar 27 Spaniard Juan Ponce de Leon discovers Florida on this day in history.
Mar 27 On this day in history spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León sights Florida
Apr 02 Florida discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Le¢n in the year 1513.
Apr 02 In the year 1513 florida discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Leon
Apr 08 On this day in history explorer Juan Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain
Apr 08 The spanish explorer Ponce de Leon discovers Florida in what is now the USA on this day in history.
Jun 06 On this day in history battle at Novara: Habsburgers vs Valois
Jul 09 In the year 1513 john van Hembyze, Flemish calvinist
Jul 20 In the year 1513 gaspar Schetz, Dutch treasurer-general
Aug 16 Battle at Eguinegatte/Guinegate: Maximilian & Henry VIII beat France in the year 1513.
Sep 09 On this day in history battle of Flodden Fields; English defeat James IV of Scotland
Sep 09 In the year 1513 james IV, king of Scotland (1488-1513), dies in battle at 40
Sep 23 On this day in history king Henry III & Emperor Maximilian conquer Doornik
Sep 25 In the year 1513 vasco Nu¤ez de Balboa is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean
Sep 25 Vasco Nunez de Balboa is 1st European to see Pacific Ocean on this day in history.
Oct 07 Battle of La Motta: Spanish troops under Ramón de Cardona defeat the Venetians on this day in history.
Oct 29 On this day in history jacques Amyot, French humanist/translator/abbot of Bellozanne
Dec 25 On this day in history johannes Amerbach, Swiss publisher/printer, dies at about 70