Historical Events In April - 16
Thursday, 27 March 2025
0073 Masada, a Jewish fortress, falls to the Romans after several months of siege, ending the Jewish Revolt on this day in history.
0556 On April - 16 pelagius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
0744 al-Walid II, Umayyad caliph on this day in history.
0924 Berengar of Friuli, King of Italy on April - 16.
1071 On this day in history five centuries of Byzantine rule in Italy end April 16 as Bari falls to Robert Guiscard after a 3-year Norman siege
1071 Bari falls to Robert Guiscard, ending Byzantine rule in Italy on April - 16.
1115 On April - 16 svjatopolk II, great monarch of Kiev, dies [or 1113]
1118 On this day in history adelaide del Vasto, wife of Roger II of Sicily
1198 Duke Frederick I of Austria on April - 16.
1346 On April - 16 king Stefanus IX of Serbia proclaims himself czar of Greece
1395 On this day in history azzo X d'Este is defeated at the Battle of Portomaggiore by Venetian-Ferrarese troops.
1446 Filippo Brunelleschi, architect, dies on this day in history.
1496 On April - 16 david van Bourgondie, Bishop of Utrecht (1456-96), dies at about 69
1509 On April - 16 french army under Louis XII enters Alps
1521 Martin Luther arrives at Diet of Worms on this day in history.
1529 On April - 16 louis de Berquin, French humanist/reformer/heretic, burned at stake
1582 Spanish conquistador Hernando de Lerma founds the settlement of Salta, Argentina on this day in history.
1619 Denijs Calvaert/Caluwaert, [Dionisio Fiamingo], Flemish painter, dies on this day in history.
1628 Cornelis Evertsen de Young, vice admiral of Zealand on April - 16.
1632 Albrecht von Wallenstein appointed supreme commander on this day in history.
1635 On April - 16 frans van Mieris, the Elder, Dutch painter
1645 Tobias Hume, English composer on this day in history.
1648 On April - 16 john Luyken, poet/etcher (Duytse Lyre)
1652 On April - 16 clement XII, [Lorenzo Corsini], Italy, Pope (1730-40)
1660 On this day in history hans Sloane, England, physician/naturalist/founder (British Museum)
1673 Francesco Feroci, composer on April - 16.
1682 On April - 16 john Hadley, mathematician/inventor (1st reflecting telescope)
1687 George Villiers 2nd duke of Buckingham, dies at 59 on this day in history.
1697 On April - 16 johann Gottlieb Gorner, composer
1703 Caffarelli, [Gaetano Majorano], Italian castra singer/duke on April - 16.
1705 Isaac Newton is knighted. From then on, just call him Sir on April - 16.
1705 On this day in history queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton at Trinity College
1724 1st Easter observed (OS=Apr 9) on this day in history.
1728 Joseph Zwart, Scottish chemist/physicist on this day in history.