Historical Events In 1550
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 10 On this day in history 1st sitting of "Vurige Chamber" in Paris
Feb 02 In the year 1550 english Edward Seymour duke of Somerset, freed
Feb 07 Giovanni Maria del Monte elected Pope Julius III on this day in history.
Mar 08 On this day in history juan de Dios, Port/Sp saint (Brothers of Mercy), dies at 55
Mar 24 France & England sign Peace of Boulogne in the year 1550.
Mar 24 France &England sign Peace of Boulogne in the year 1550.
Apr 02 Jews are expelled from Genoa Italy in the year 1550.
Apr 12 On this day in history claude of Lorraine, duke of Guise, dies at 53
Apr 28 Powers of Dutch inquisition extends on this day in history.
Apr 29 Emperor Charles V gives inquisiters additional authority in the year 1550.
May 25 Camillus de Lellis, Italian soldier/monastery founder/saint on this day in history.
Jun 13 Johann Spangenberg, composer, dies at 66 in the year 1550.
Jun 27 In the year 1550 charles IX, King of France (1560-74)
Jun 28 John Drusius, Flemish hebrew translator in the year 1550.
Jul 07 Chocolate introduced in the year 1550.
Jul 31 Jakob Handl, [Petelin], Austrian composer/bandmaster on this day in history.
Aug 16 On this day in history carolus Gallus, [Karel de Haan], Dutch lawyer/pastor/vicar
Aug 28 Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle, Charles V's asst sec of state, dies on this day in history.
Sep 05 William Cecil appoints himself English minister of foreign affairs in the year 1550.
Sep 08 Hans [Johann] Vischer, German count of Johann Cicero, dies on this day in history.
Oct 04 Charles IX, King of Sweden in the year 1550.
Oct 05 In the year 1550 foundation of Concepción, city in Chile.
Oct 15 Henry, earl of Nassau-Dillenburg/brother of William of Orange in the year 1550.
Nov 14 In the year 1550 pope Julius III proclaims new seat on Council of Trente
Dec 06 Orazio Tiberio Vecchi, composer on this day in history.
Dec 06 In the year 1550 pieter Coecke van Aelst, Flemish painter, dies at 48
Dec 22 Richard Plantagenet (Richard of Eastwell) possibly a son of Richard III on this day in history.