Historical Events In 1558
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 07 On this day in history calais, last English possession in France, retaken by French
Jan 07 Calais, last English possession in France, retaken by French under Francois, Duke of Guise on this day in history.
Jan 08 In the year 1558 french troops under duke de Guise occupy Calais
Jan 09 In the year 1558 geneva becomes independent from Berne canton, Switzerland
Jan 11 In the year 1558 westmunster Church in Middelburg destroyed by heavy storm
Feb 03 Alfonsus de Castro, Spanish theologist (council of Trente), dies on this day in history.
Mar 05 In the year 1558 smoking tobacco introduced in Europe by Francisco Fernandes
Mar 13 In the year 1558 jean Fernel, French physician/physiologist, dies
Mar 14 On this day in history ferdinand I appointed Holy Roman emperor
Mar 24 Anna van Buren, countess of Egmond/Buren/Lingen, dies on this day in history.
Mar 25 Marcos de Niza, French Franciscan explorer on this day in history.
Apr 04 Czar Ivan IV gives parts of North-Russia to fur traders in the year 1558.
Apr 18 Roxelana, wife of Suleiman the Magnificent in the year 1558.
Apr 24 In the year 1558 queen Mary Stuart of Scotland marries French crown prince Francois
Apr 26 In the year 1558 jean Francois Fernel, French physician, dies
Apr 26 On this day in history jean Fran‡ois Fernel French physician, dies
May 16 Andreas of Austria, Bohemia cardinal/gov of Netherlands (1598-1600) in the year 1558.
Jun 04 In the year 1558 maximilian of Burgundy, leader of Holland/admiral, dies at 43
Jul 11 In the year 1558 robert Greene, Elizabethan dramatist (Friar Bacon)
Jul 13 Battle of Gravelines: In France, Spanish forces led by Count Lamoral of Egmont defeat the French forces of Marshal Paul des Thermes at Gravelines in the year 1558.
Jul 23 On this day in history battle at Grevelingen: Gen/earl Lamoraal van Egmont beat France
Aug 04 1st printing of Zohar (Jewish Kabbalah) on this day in history.
Aug 19 Paulus Merula, Dutch lawyer/historian in the year 1558.
Aug 25 King Francis II of France marries Mary, Queen of Scots in the year 1558.
Sep 21 Charles V, King of Spain (Carlos I)/Holy Roman Emperor, dies at 58 in the year 1558.
Oct 09 Mérida is founded in Venezuela in the year 1558.
Oct 18 Maria, queen of Hungary/guardian of Neth (1531-55), dies at 53 on this day in history.
Oct 21 On this day in history julius Caesar Scaliger, Italian physician (Poetice), dies at 74
Nov 06 In the year 1558 thomas Kyd, English dramatist (Spanish Tragedy)
Nov 07 In the year 1558 french king Henri II occupies Calais
Nov 12 Shalom Shakna ben Joseph, Rabbi (founder of 1st Polish Yeshiva), dies on this day in history.
Nov 17 Elizabeth I ascends English throne upon death of Queen Mary in the year 1558.
Nov 17 In the year 1558 mary I Tudor, "Bloody Mary", queen of England (1553-58), dies at 42
Nov 23 On this day in history charles, earl of Lalaing/land guardian of the Neth, dies at 52
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