Historical Events In 1587
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 06 Gaspar de Guzman, Count of Olivares, Premier of Spain (1621-43) on this day in history.
Jan 08 In the year 1587 johannes Fabricius, Denmark, astronomer (discovered sunspots)
Jan 16 Alexander Adriaenssen, Flemish painter on this day in history.
Jan 29 Deventer & Zutphen surrender to Spain on this day in history.
Jan 29 Deventer &Zutphen surrender to Spain in the year 1587.
Feb 01 English queen Elizabeth I signs Mary Stuart's death sentence on this day in history.
Feb 01 In the year 1587 english queen Elizabeth I signs Mary Stuarts death sentence
Feb 08 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1560-87), beheaded at 44 [NS=Feb 18] in the year 1587.
Feb 08 On this day in history mary, Queen of Scots looses her head
Feb 18 In the year 1587 mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1560-87), beheaded at 44 [OS=Feb 8]
Mar 01 English parliament leader Peter Wentworth confined in London Tower in the year 1587.
Mar 12 In the year 1587 english parliament leader Peter Wentworth confined in London Tower
Apr 17 Marco Ivan Lukacic, composer in the year 1587.
Apr 18 John Foxe, author (Book of Martyrs), dies in the year 1587.
Apr 19 On this day in history english captain Francis Drake sinks the Spanish fleet in Cadiz harbour
Apr 19 Sir Frances Drake sails into Cadiz Spain & sinks Spanish fleet in the year 1587.
May 18 Felix van Cantalice, Italian saint, dies on this day in history.
Jul 06 Michael Lauterbeck, assassinated Fries viceroy Willem Louis, executed in the year 1587.
Jul 22 2nd English colony established on Roanoke Island off NC on this day in history.
Jul 22 In the year 1587 2nd English colony forms on Roanoke Island off NC
Jul 22 In the year 1587 english settlers establish a colony on Roanoke Island off North Carolina.
Aug 05 Spanish troops conquer Lock on this day in history.
Aug 14 On this day in history gugliemo Gonzaga, composer, dies at 49
Aug 18 1st English child born in New World (Virginia Dare) on this day in history.
Aug 18 In the year 1587 first English child born in the New World (Virginia Dare)
Aug 18 Saul Wahl is elected King of Poland, according to legend in the year 1587.
Aug 19 Sigismund III becomes king of Poland on this day in history.
Oct 20 Battle at Coultras: Henri van Navarra beats Catholic League on this day in history.
Oct 31 Leiden University Library opens its doors after its founding in 1575 in the year 1587.
Nov 03 Samuel Scheidt, composer in the year 1587.
Nov 04 Samuel Scheidt, German organist/composer, baptised on this day in history.
Nov 16 In the year 1587 joost van den Vondel, Cologne Germany, Dutch poet/dramatist (Jephtha)
Nov 24 Battle at Auneau: Henri de Guise wins in the year 1587.
Nov 27 Dutch County Groningen flood by dike break in the year 1587.
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