Historical Events In 1596
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 05 Henry Lawes, English composer in the year 1596.
Jan 13 In the year 1596 jan J Goyen, Dutch landscape painter
Jan 21 John Ligarius, German theologist/prime minister, dies at 66 on this day in history.
Jan 28 On this day in history british admiral Sir Francis Drake dies off the Panama coast and is buried at sea.
Jan 31 Catholic League disjoins on this day in history.
Mar 01 Plague in Spain on this day in history.
Mar 11 On this day in history isaac Elsevier, book publisher
Mar 23 Henry Unton, English diplomat in the year 1596.
Mar 31 In the year 1596 rené Descartes, France, philosopher (he thought, therefore he was)
Mar 31 On this day in history the birth of Rene Descartes, French philosopher
Apr 17 Arch duke Albrecht of Austria occupies Calais on this day in history.
Apr 24 In the year 1596 pacificatie of Ireland drawn
May 09 Abraham van Diepenbeeck, painter on this day in history.
May 18 Willem Barents leaves Amsterdam for Novaya Zemlya in the year 1596.
May 26 England, France & Netherlands signs Drievoudig Covenant against Spain in the year 1596.
May 27 On this day in history tibaldi II, Italian painter/sculptor/architect, dies
Jun 21 Michael Fjodorovitsj, tsar of Russia (1613-45)/1st Romanov on this day in history.
Jun 22 In the year 1596 cornelis de Houtmans fleet reaches Banten Java
Jun 30 In the year 1596 english/Dutch fleet reach Cadiz
Jul 05 English fleet under the earl of Essex plunder Cadiz on this day in history.
Jul 17 At 10:30AM Dutch explorer Willem Barents arrives at Novaya Zemlya on this day in history.
Jul 29 Jacobus Latomus, Flemish poet (Psalms/Jeremias) dies at about 84 in the year 1596.
Aug 03 David Fabricius discovers light variation of Mira (1st variable star) on this day in history.
Aug 09 Henry van Cuyk becomes bishop of Roermond in the year 1596.
Aug 19 On this day in history elisabeth Stuart, English daughter of James I
Aug 26 In the year 1596 frederik V, king of Bohemia (White Mountain)
Sep 03 On this day in history nicolo Amati, Italy, violin maker (Stradivari & Guarneri)
Sep 04 Constantine Huygens, Dutch poet/diplomat (Delightful Folly) on this day in history.
Sep 05 Dutch fleet commander Cornelis de Houtman taken hostage in Java in the year 1596.
Sep 07 Dutch fleet bombs Banten Java in the year 1596.
Sep 09 On this day in history anna Jagiellon, Polish Queen
Sep 13 Pieter D Keyzer/Keyser, astronomer/navigator (Java) in the year 1596.
Sep 20 On this day in history diego de Montemayor founded the city of Monterrey in New Spain.
Sep 23 In the year 1596 joan Blaeu, cartographer/publisher
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