Historical Events In 1600
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 Scotland begins its numbered year on January 1 instead of 25 March in the year 1600.
Jan 17 Calderon, writer in the year 1600.
Jan 28 Clement IX, [Giulio Rospigliosi], Pistoia, Italy, 238th pope (1667-69) on this day in history.
Feb 04 Tycho Brahe & Johannes Kepler meet for 1st time near Prague in the year 1600.
Feb 04 Tycho Brahe &Johannes Kepler meet for first time outside of Prague in the year 1600.
Feb 08 In the year 1600 vatican convicts scholar Giordano Bruno to death
Feb 15 Jose the Acosta, Spanish missionary (Peru), dies at 59(?) in the year 1600.
Feb 17 Giordano Bruno, advocate of Copernican theory, burned at stake in the year 1600.
Feb 17 In the year 1600 philosopher Giordano Bruno is burned alive at Campo de' Fiori in Rome, charged of heresy.
Feb 19 On this day in history the Peruvian stratovolcano Huaynaputina explodes in the most violent eruption in the recorded history of South America.
Mar 20 In the year 1600 the Linköping Bloodbath takes place on Maundy Thursday in Linköping, Sweden.
Apr 21 1st date in James Clavell's novel Shogun (OS) on this day in history.
Apr 21 In the year 1600 first date in James Clavell's novel Shogun (OS)
Jul 01 In the year 1600 prince Maurits' army occupies Newport Flanders Neth
Jul 02 On this day in history battle at Newport: Earl Mauritius van Nassau beats Spanish Army
Jul 20 Simon Ives, composer on this day in history.
Aug 02 Arent van Dorp, Dutch governor of East-Zealand, dies at about 70 in the year 1600.
Aug 06 In the year 1600 henry IV of France invades Savoy after negotiations break down over Saluzzo, controlled by Savoy since 1588
Aug 11 On this day in history paul Hallman, composer
Aug 15 In the year 1600 johann Baptista Serranus, composer, dies at 60
Sep 01 Malaria in South America in the year 1600.
Sep 03 Dirck Graswinckel, Dutch States-General court clerk on this day in history.
Sep 05 Loreto Vittori, composer on this day in history.
Sep 10 John Bruhesius, [Bruhesen], bishop of Groningen, dies on this day in history.
Sep 15 In the year 1600 battle of Sekigahara.
Sep 27 In the year 1600 john Galle, Flemish engraver/printer, baptised
Oct 08 On this day in history san Marino adopts constitution
Oct 16 On this day in history olivier van Noorts ships reach Philippines
Oct 20 Battle of Sekigahara sets Tokugawa clan as Japan's rulers (shoguns) on this day in history.
Nov 12 Andreas of Austrian, Land Guardian of Neth (1598-1600), dies at 42 on this day in history.
Nov 19 In the year 1600 charles I King of Great Britian is born at Dunfermline Scotland
Nov 19 In the year 1600 charles I, king of England (1625-49); executed by Parliament
Dec 12 John Craig, Scottish church reformer/James VI's court vicar, dies on this day in history.
Dec 14 Olivier van Noort sinks Sp galleon San Diego at Bay of Manila, 350 die in the year 1600.
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