Historical Events In 1616
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Jan 05 Samuel de Champlain c1570-1635 sets off to visit Petun (Tobacco) Nation, south of Nottawasaga Bay, with Father Le Caron on this day in history.
Jan 06 Philip Henslowe, English theatrical entrepreneur (bc. 1550) on this day in history.
Jan 13 Antoinette Bourignon, Flemish mystic/French religious fanatic in the year 1616.
Jan 24 Jacques Le Maire discovers Street Lemaire/Cape Receiver on this day in history.
Jan 30 William Sancroft, Archbishop (Canterbury) on this day in history.
Feb 12 John Drusius, of Driesschen, Flemish Hebraist, dies at 65 on this day in history.
Feb 19 Jacques de Saint-Luc, composer in the year 1616.
Feb 26 Spanish Inquisition delivers injunction to Galileo on this day in history.
Feb 28 On this day in history kaspar Forster, composer
Mar 05 Copernicus' "de Revolutionibus" placed on Catholic Forbidden index in the year 1616.
Mar 06 Francis Beaumont, Elizabethan playwright, dies (birth date unknown) in the year 1616.
Mar 06 Malachias Siebenhaar, composer in the year 1616.
Mar 20 On this day in history walter Raleigh released from Tower of London to seek gold in Guyana
Mar 26 In the year 1616 bristol England William Baffin c1584-1622 leaves on 5th voyage on 'Discovery'; will pass Greenland coast and sail north another 480 km.
Mar 29 Johann Erasmus Kindermann, composer in the year 1616.
Apr 23 On this day in history miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Spanish writer (Don Quixote), dies at 69
Apr 23 In the year 1616 netherlands buys De Briel/Vlissingen/Fort Rammekens from England
Apr 30 In the year 1616 english King Jacob I leaves Brielle/Vlissingen
May 03 On this day in history treaty of Loudun kills French civil war
May 19 On this day in history johann Jacob Froberger, German singer/organist/composer
Jun 12 In the year 1616 cornelis F Schuyt, Dutch organist/composer (Madrigalen), dies
Jul 11 Samuel de Champlain returns to Quebec in the year 1616.
Jul 20 Hugh O'Neill, 3rd Earl of Tyrone, Irish soldier in the year 1616.
Jul 25 In the year 1616 andreas Libavius, German alchemist, dies
Aug 07 In the year 1616 vincenzo Scamozzi, Ital architect (Procurazie Nuove, Venice), dies
Aug 08 Cornelis Ketel, Dutch portrait painter/poet, buried at 68 in the year 1616.
Aug 26 In the year 1616 johan van de Veeken, merchant/co-founder (VOC), dies at 66
Aug 31 On this day in history gemignano Capilupi, composer, dies at 43
Sep 01 New England epidemic in Southern New England, especially the Wampanoag people killing 30-90% of population people on this day in history.
Sep 15 In the year 1616 the first non-aristocratic, free public school in Europe is opened in Frascati, Italy.
Oct 02 A Gryphius, writer in the year 1616.
Oct 10 On this day in history maria van Nassau, countess of Buren, dies at 60
Oct 25 VOC-ship "The Eendracht" discovers Dirk-Hartogeiland, Australia in the year 1616.
Nov 19 Eustache Le Sueur, French painter on this day in history.
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