Historical Events In September - 12
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
0352 Maximinus van Trier, bishop of Trier/saint, dies on this day in history.
0413 Marcellinus of Carthage, Christian saint on this day in history.
0490 On September - 12 -BC- Athenians defeat 2nd Persian invasion of Greece at Marathon
1012 Guido van Anderlecht, Flemish pilgrim/saint, dies on this day in history.
1015 On this day in history henry I becomes earl of Leuven
1015 On September - 12 lambert I with the Beard, count of Leuven, dies in battle at about 65
1185 Andronicus I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor (1183-85), lynched on this day in history.
1213 Battle at Muret: Crusade of Simon de Montfort beat Pedro II of Aragon on this day in history.
1213 On September - 12 pedro II, [el Catolico], king of Aragon, dies in battle
1217 French prince Louis & English king Henry III sign peace treaty on this day in history.
1229 On September - 12 the Aragonese army under the command of James I of Aragon disembarks at Santa Ponça, Majorca, with the purpose of conquering the island.
1362 On September - 12 innocent VI, [Etienne Aubert], Pope (1352-62), dies
1396 Crusaders under earl of Nevers reaches Nicopolis on this day in history.
1494 Francois I of Valois-Angouleme, king of France (1515-47) on this day in history.
1500 On September - 12 albrecht III van Saxon-Meisen, duke of Saxon, dies at 57
1543 Treaty of Venlo: Duke Willem of Gulik & Emperor Charles V on September - 12.
1556 On this day in history emperor Charles resigns, his brother Ferdinand van Austria takes over
1559 On this day in history lodovico Cardi da Cigoli, Italian painter/architect
1575 On September - 12 henry Hudson, England, navigator/explorer (Hudson River)
1591 On this day in history richard Grenville, vice-admiral (Roanoke) dies in battle at 49
1604 On September - 12 louis Gunther, earl of Nassau, dies in battle at about 29
1609 Henry Hudson discovers Hudson River on this day in history.
1624 1st submarine tested (London) on this day in history.
1635 On this day in history sweden & Poland sign ceasefire Treaty of Stuhmsdorf
1639 Viceroy Thomas Wentworth sails back to England on September - 12.
1642 On September - 12 cinq Mars, French plotter, executed
1647 On this day in history joos Banckert, Swiss admiral (Spanish silver fleet), dies at 48
1649 Drogheda, Ireland falls to Puritan troops; inhabitants massacred on September - 12.
1655 Sebastien de Brossard, composer on September - 12.
1660 On September - 12 jacob Cats, [Father Cats], pension advisor of Holland, dies at 82
1661 Jacobus de la Torra, RC apostole vicar of Holland, dies at about 53 on September - 12.
1673 On this day in history prince Willem III occupies Naarden
1674 On September - 12 claes P "Nicolas" Tulip, mayor of Amsterdam, dies at 80
1683 On this day in history turkish troops attacks Vienna overthrows by Polish king Sobieski
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