Historical Events In 1686
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 19 Hakuin Ekakuborn, Japan, Zen Buddhist on this day in history.
Jan 21 On this day in history nicolas-Francois Blondel, French architect, dies
Feb 08 On this day in history francois Tak, Dutch diplomat on Java, murdered
Feb 10 In the year 1686 johann F Gronovius, Dutch physician/botany
Feb 10 William Dugdale, Garter King of Arms (1677-86), dies on this day in history.
Feb 15 On this day in history jean Baptiste Lully's opera "Armide," premieres in Paris
Feb 24 Ferdinando Tacca, Italian painter/son of Pietro Tacca, dies at 66 on this day in history.
Feb 26 In the year 1686 godefroi L Count d'Estrades, French diplomat
Feb 26 On this day in history godefroi L earl d'estrades, French diplomat/marshal, dies at about 78
Apr 04 On this day in history english king James II publishes Declaration of Indulgence
Apr 28 In the year 1686 1st volume of Isaac Newton's "Principia" published
Apr 28 The first volume of Isaac Newton's "Principia" published on this day in history.
May 04 In the year 1686 municipality of Ilagan is founded in the Philippines.
May 14 Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, Prussia, inventor (thermometer) [NS=5/24] on this day in history.
May 14 The birth of Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, German inventor of mercury thermometer in the year 1686.
Jun 05 In the year 1686 cristoph Raupach, composer
Jun 06 In the year 1686 joannes B van Neercassel, RC spiritual leader of Neth, dies at 60
Jun 18 Johann Quirsfeld, composer, dies at 43 on this day in history.
Jun 23 William Coventry, English statesman in the year 1686.
Jul 09 In the year 1686 germany, Sweden & Spain signs anti-French League of Augsburg
Jul 10 In the year 1686 ercole Ferrata, Italian sculptor/restauranteur, dies at 76
Jul 11 In the year 1686 michel Anguier, French sculptor, dies at 75
Jul 17 On this day in history a meeting takes place at Lüneburg between several Protestant powers in order to discuss the formation of an 'evangelical' league of defence, called the 'Confederatio Militiae Evangelicae', against the Catholic League.
Jul 22 City of Albany, NY chartered on this day in history.
Jul 24 On this day in history benedetto Marcello, composer [or Aug 9]
Aug 01 Benedetto Marcello, Italian author/composer (Lettera Famigliare) on this day in history.
Aug 06 In the year 1686 paul Hainlein, composer, dies at 60
Aug 09 In the year 1686 benedetto Marcello, Venice It, composer (Lettera Famigliare) [or 7/24]
Aug 17 In the year 1686 nicola Antonio Porpora, composer
Aug 18 On this day in history cassini reports seeing a satellite orbiting Venus
Aug 19 Antonio Tonelli, composer on this day in history.
Aug 29 Wilhelm Hieronymus Pachelbel, composer on this day in history.
Sep 02 Habsburgse armies occupy Buda on Turks in the year 1686.
Oct 08 Adriaen Paets, Rotterdams regent/diplomat, dies at about 55 in the year 1686.
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