Historical Events In 1700
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 Protestant West-Europe (except England) begin using Gregorian calendar on this day in history.
Jan 01 On this day in history russia replaces Byzantine with Julian calendar
Jan 01 In the year 1700 russia replaces Byzantines with Julian calendar
Jan 22 Jacob Balthasar Schutz, composer, dies at 39 on this day in history.
Jan 26 In the year 1700 the magnitude 9 Cascadia Earthquake took place off the west coast of the North America, as evidenced by Japanese records.
Jan 26 On this day in history this great earthquake occurred about 9 pm on the Cascadia Fault, the boundary between the North American and Juan de Fuca plates. This was almost 100 years before the first European explorers made contact with native peoples on the west coast. This was one of the world's great earthquakes with a magnitude estimated at 9.
Jan 29 Daniel Bernoulli, Basel Switz, mathematician (10 time French award) in the year 1700.
Feb 07 Philippe Buache, French geographer/cartographer (Contourlijnen) in the year 1700.
Feb 09 In the year 1700 the birth of Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician
Feb 12 The Great Northern War begins in Northern Europe on this day in history.
Feb 19 On this day in history last day of Julian calendar in Denmark
Feb 19 In the year 1700 last day of the Julian calendar in Denmark
Feb 23 Wilhelmus Schortinghuis, Dutch theologist (Profound Christianity) on this day in history.
Feb 27 In the year 1700 pacific island of New Britain discovered
Feb 28 In the year 1700 today is followed by March 1 in Sweden, thus creating the Swedish calendar.
Mar 07 William Penn began monthly meetings for Blacks advocating emancipation in the year 1700.
Mar 10 In the year 1700 diogo Diaz Melgaz, composer, dies at 61
Mar 13 James Kent, composer on this day in history.
Mar 22 In the year 1700 giuseppe Sellitto, composer
Mar 25 England, France & Netherlands ratify 2nd Extermination treaty in the year 1700.
Apr 19 On this day in history georg Abraham Schneider, composer
May 01 In the year 1700 john Dryden, English poet/playwright (Rival Ladies), dies
May 07 Gerard van Swieten, Dutch botanist in the year 1700.
May 07 On this day in history william Penn began monthly meetings for Blacks advocating emancipation
May 12 Luigi Vanvitelli, Italian architect in the year 1700.
May 26 On this day in history nikolaus L earl von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, German evangelist
Jun 04 In the year 1700 theodoor Verhaegen, Flemish sculptor
Jun 17 In the year 1700 mass orders priest to leave the colony
Jun 30 Gelderland goes on Gregorian calendar (tomorrow is 12/7/1700) on this day in history.
Jul 02 On this day in history lambert Doomer, painter/cartoonist, dies at about 77
Jul 12 On this day in history gelderland accepts Gregorian calendar; yesterday is June 30, 1700
Jul 13 Russian-Turkish peace in the year 1700.
Jul 15 Johann Christoph Richter, composer on this day in history.
Jul 19 In the year 1700 hieronymus Gradenthaler, composer, dies at 62
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