Famous Personalities Born In February - 23
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
1417 Paul II, [Pietro Barbo], Italy, Pope (1464-71) was born on February - 23.
1417 Pope Paul II (d. 1471) was born on this day in history.
1583 Jean-Baptiste Morin, French scientist (d. 1656) was born on this day in history.
1614 On this day in history birth of jacob Colijn(s), Dutch coat of arms painter
1615 On February - 23 birth of cornelis Galle II, Flemish engraver/illustrator, baptised
1633 On this day in history birth of samuel Pepys, London England, navy expert/composer (Diary, Memoirs)
1646 On February - 23 birth of tokugawa Tsunayoshi, Japanese shogun (d. 1709)
1648 On February - 23 birth of arabella Churchill, English mistress of James II of England (d. 1730)
1649 On February - 23 birth of john Blow, composer of 1st English opera (Venus & Adonis) (baptized)
1685 George Friedrich Handel, Halle Germany, organist/composer (Messiah) was born on February - 23.
1700 On February - 23 birth of wilhelmus Schortinghuis, Dutch theologist (Profound Christianity)
1723 On this day in history birth of richard Price, Welsh philosopher (d. 1791)
1729 Josiah Hornblower, American statesman (d. 1809) was born on this day in history.
1730 On February - 23 birth of christian Joseph Lidarti, composer
1734 On this day in history birth of mayer Amschel Rothschild, Frankfurt, founder (House of Rothschild)
1743 Mayer Amschel Rothschild, German-born banker (d. 1812) was born on February - 23.
1776 On February - 23 birth of john Walter II, London, chief proprietor (The Times, 1812-47)
1787 Emma Willard, US, opens school for young ladies (Hall of Fame) was born on this day in history.
1792 Istvan Ferenczi, Hungarian sculptor was born on this day in history.
1811 George Washington Hewitt, composer was born on February - 23.
1817 George Watts, London, painter was born on this day in history.
1818 Jeremy F Gilmer, Maj Gen/Chief Engineer Confederate War Dept was born on February - 23.
1824 On February - 23 birth of herman N van der Tuuk, Dutch philologist (Tobasch' Grammar)
1824 On this day in history birth of lewis Cass Hunt, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1886
1831 On this day in history birth of hendrik W Mesdag, Dutch painter (Panorama Mesdag)
1834 On February - 23 birth of gustav Hermann Nachtigal, German physician/colonizer/consul in Tunis
1838 Gilbert Moxley Sorrel, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1901 was born on this day in history.
1840 Carl Menger, Austrian economist was born on February - 23.
1842 Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann, German philosopher (d. 1906) was born on February - 23.
1848 Thomas Paine Westendorf, composer was born on February - 23.
1850 César Ritz, Swiss hotelier (d. 1918) was born on this day in history.
1863 Franz von Stuck, German painter (Der Krieg) was born on February - 23.
1865 Barney Dreyfuss, baseball owner (Pitts Pirates) was born on February - 23.
1868 On February - 23 birth of william E B Du Bois, Mass, civil rights writer (Souls of Black Folk)