Historical Events In 1738
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Jan 06 Franz Xaver Murschhauser, composer, dies at 74 on this day in history.
Jan 10 On this day in history ethan Allen, Revolutionary War fighter (lead the Green Mtn Boys)
Jan 17 On this day in history jean-Francois Dandrieu, composer, dies
Feb 05 On this day in history georg Reidel, composer, dies at 61
Feb 12 James Sherard, composer, dies at 71 on this day in history.
Mar 16 Georg Baehr, German master builder (Frauenkirche, Dresden), dies at 72 on this day in history.
Mar 28 English parliament declares war on Spain (War of Jenkin's Ear) on this day in history.
Apr 14 Duck of Portland, (C) British PM (1783, 1807-09) on this day in history.
Apr 15 Bottle opener invented in the year 1738.
Apr 17 Philip Hayes, composer on this day in history.
Apr 18 On this day in history real Academia de la Historia ("Royal Academy of History") founded in Madrid.
May 01 Great Plague of 1738 in Balkans killing 50,000 people on this day in history.
May 01 Smallpox in Thirteen Colonies on this day in history.
May 04 In the year 1738 josef Kohaut, composer
May 09 On this day in history england routes fleet in Mediterranean Sea & West-Indies
May 09 In the year 1738 england routes fleet in Mediterranean Sea &West-Indies
May 09 In the year 1738 john Pindar, [Peter], physician/poet
May 24 George III, king of Great-Britain (1760-1820) on this day in history.
May 24 Methodist Church forms in the year 1738.
May 24 Methodist Church is established on this day in history.
May 25 On this day in history a treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War with settlement of a boundary dispute and exchange of prisoners.
May 27 On this day in history bonaventura Furlanetto, composer
May 27 Turkish troops occupy Orsova & Ochakov on this day in history.
May 28 In the year 1738 joseph Ignace Guillotin, France, physician/inventor (guillotine)
Jun 03 In the year 1738 johann Christoph Oley, composer
Jun 04 George III, English King during American Revolution (1760-1820) in the year 1738.
Jun 04 The birth of King George III in the year 1738.
Jun 29 Constantin Reindl, composer in the year 1738.
Jul 03 On this day in history john Singleton Copley, Mass, finest colonial American artist
Jul 11 In the year 1738 albert-Kasimir, duke of Saxon/viceroy of Hungary/Netherlands
Jul 15 In the year 1738 alexander Voznitsyn, Rus Naval officer converted to Judaism, executed
Jul 20 In the year 1738 north America: French explorer Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de la Vérendrye reaches the western shore of Lake Michigan.
Jul 24 Elizabeth "Betje" Wolff-Bekker, Dutch author/poet (Sara Burgerhart) on this day in history.
Aug 02 On this day in history france offers emperor Karel VI mediation in war against Turkey
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