Jan 04 Anne Nagell van Ampsen, Dutch politician was born on this day in history.
Jan 22 Vincenzo Righini, composer was born on this day in history.
Jan 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austria, musical prodigy/composer (Figaro) was born in the year 1756.
Jan 28 Hans Adolf Friedrich von Eschstruth, composer was born in the year 1756.
Jan 29 In the year 1756 birth of henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee, (Rep/Gov-Va)/general
Jan 29 Henry Lee III, American General was born in the year 1756.
Jan 30 Josef Preindl, composer was born on this day in history.
Feb 06 Aaron Burr, Newark NJ, (D-R), 3rd US VP (1801-05), dueler was born in the year 1756.