Historical Events In 1786
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 03 Johann Christian Friedrich Schneider, composer in the year 1786.
Jan 04 In the year 1786 mozes Mendelssohn, Jewish/German philosopher (Haksalah), dies at 56
Jan 06 In Saint John, New Brunswick the first sitting of the New Brunswick legislature takes place at Saint John in the year 1786.
Jan 08 On this day in history nicholas Biddle, made 2nd bank of US 1st effective central bank
Jan 26 Benjamin Robert Haydon, Plymouth, painter (Waiting for The Times) in the year 1786.
Feb 13 Abraham Baldwin selected president of University of Georgia on this day in history.
Feb 20 Johann Wolfgang Kleinknecht, composer, dies at 70 on this day in history.
Feb 24 On this day in history charles Cornwallis appointed Governor-General of India
Feb 24 The birth of Wilhelm Grimm, Author of fairy tales in the year 1786.
Feb 24 Wilhelm Karl Grimm, Hanau Germany, story teller (Grimm's Fairy Tales) on this day in history.
Feb 28 In the year 1786 d Francois J Arago, French astronomer/physicist/politician
Mar 07 On this day in history frantisek Benda, composer, dies at 76
Mar 11 On this day in history jacobus Bellamy, [Zelandus], Dutch/Swiss poet, dies at 28
Mar 23 In the year 1786 patience Wright, 1st US woman pro artist, dies (birth date unknown)
Mar 25 On this day in history giovanni B Amia, Italian astronomer/physicist/botanist
Apr 04 On this day in history john Franklin, British explorer (Arctic)
Apr 07 In the year 1786 william Rufus DeVane King, (D) 13th VP (1853)
Apr 18 On this day in history franz Xaver Schnyder von Wartensee, composer
Apr 20 In the year 1786 john Goodricke, English deaf & dumb astronomer, dies at 21
Apr 23 On this day in history alexander Cozens, English water colors painter, dies at about 68
May 01 In the year 1786 mozart's opera "Marriage of Figaro" premieres in Wien (Vienna)
May 01 Wolfgang Mozart premieres his opera, The Marriage of Figaro, in Vienna on this day in history.
May 05 In the year 1786 pedro III, King of Portugal, dies
May 06 On this day in history ludwig Borne, writer
May 08 In the year 1786 thomas Hancock, founded British rubber industry
May 19 John Stanley, composer, dies at 74 in the year 1786.
May 21 Carl W Scheele, Swedish pharmacist/chemist, dies at 43 on this day in history.
Jun 08 On this day in history commercially made ice cream 1st advertised (Mr Hall, NYC)
Jun 08 In the year 1786 first commercially-made ice cream sold (NY)
Jun 10 On this day in history a landslide dam on the Dadu River created by an earthquake ten days earlier collapses, killing 100,000 in the Sichuan province of China.
Jun 13 In the year 1786 winfield Scott, army general (Union)/presidential candidate
Jun 29 Alexander Macdonell and over five hundred Roman Catholic highlanders leave Scotland to settle in Glengarry County, Ontario on this day in history.
Jul 22 Vaclav Kalous, composer, dies at 71 on this day in history.
Jul 25 In the year 1786 giacomo Cordella, composer
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