Historical Events In 1789
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 Christleib Siegmund Binder, composer, dies at 65 on this day in history.
Jan 02 Franz Joseph Leonti Meyer von Schavensee, composer, dies at 68 in the year 1789.
Jan 03 In the year 1789 carl G Carus, German physician/psychologist/philosopher
Jan 04 In the year 1789 benjamin Lundy, philanthropist/abolitionist
Jan 07 On this day in history first national (Presidential) election in US
Jan 07 In the year 1789 george Washington is voted in as U.S. president in the first nationwide election
Jan 08 In the year 1789 jack Broughton, English boxer (bc. 1703)
Jan 10 Pierre Lyonet, Dutch zoologist/cryptologist, dies at 82 in the year 1789.
Jan 20 On this day in history johann Christoph Oley, composer, dies at 50
Jan 21 On this day in history 1st American novel, WH Brown's "Power of Sympathy," is published
Jan 21 On this day in history the first American novel, WH Brown's "The Power of Sympathy," is published
Jan 23 Georgetown University, the first Catholic college in the U.S., is established in what is now Washington, D.C on this day in history.
Jan 23 Georgetown, 1st US Catholic college, founded in the year 1789.
Jan 23 On this day in history georgetown, first US Catholic college, founded
Jan 26 John Odell signs contract for £336 to build St Peter's church (Bronx) on this day in history.
Jan 26 In the year 1789 john Odell signs contract for £336 to build St Peter's church (Bronx)
Jan 30 George Augustus Kollmann, composer in the year 1789.
Feb 01 Chinese troops driven out of Vietnam capital Thang Long in the year 1789.
Feb 01 Hippolyte-Andre-Baptiste Chelard, composer in the year 1789.
Feb 02 Armand-Louis Couperin, Fren composer/organist (Notre Dame), dies at 63 on this day in history.
Feb 04 1st electoral college chooses Washington & Adams as Pres & VP in the year 1789.
Feb 04 In the year 1789 the first electoral college chooses Washington &Adams as President &Vice President
Feb 08 On this day in history ludwig Wilhelm Maurer, composer
Feb 15 In the year 1789 friedrich Fesca, composer
Mar 02 On this day in history pennsylvania ends prohibition of theatrical performances
Mar 04 On this day in history 1st Congress declares constitution in effect (9 senators, 13 reps)
Mar 04 First Congress declares constitution in effect (9 senators, 13 representatives) in the year 1789.
Mar 04 First Congress of the United States held in New York in the year 1789.
Mar 04 On this day in history pavel P Gagarin, Russ monarch
Mar 07 On this day in history the first inaugural ball (for George Washington in New York NY)
Mar 07 On this day in history the first U S inagural ball is held in New York to honor President and Mrs George Washington
Mar 10 In the year 1789 franklin College founded
Mar 11 Benjamin Banneker with L'Enfant begin to lay out Washington DC on this day in history.
Mar 12 On this day in history uS Post Office established
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