Historical Events In 1834
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 In the year 1834 german Tolunie goes into effect
Jan 03 The government of Mexico imprisons Stephen F. Austin in Mexico City in the year 1834.
Jan 05 Kiowa Indians record this as the night the stars fell in the year 1834.
Jan 09 In the year 1834 hMS Beagle/Charles Darwin arrives in Port San Julian, Patagonia
Jan 10 John Acton, English historian/MP in the year 1834.
Jan 13 In the year 1834 horatio Alger Jr, Revere Mass, author (Lost at Sea, Work & Win)
Jan 13 The birth of Horatio Alger, American author on this day in history.
Jan 14 On this day in history william Cleaver Francis Robinson, composer
Jan 16 Albert Lindley Lee, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1907 on this day in history.
Jan 17 Wilhelmina J R Albregt-Engelman, Dutch actress/daughter of Mimi Bia on this day in history.
Jan 23 In the year 1834 in Quebec City fire destroys the old Chateau Saint-Louis, originally built by Samuel de Champlain, and home to the Governors of New France.
Jan 25 Pablo Hernandez Salces, composer on this day in history.
Jan 27 On this day in history dmitri Mendeleev, chemist (discovered periodic table of the elements)
Jan 29 On this day in history pres Jackson orders 1st use of US troops to suppress a labor dispute
Jan 29 On this day in history president Jackson orders first use of US troops to suppress a labor dispute
Jan 30 Lord Avebury, [John Lubbock], British banker/politician on this day in history.
Feb 01 Bubonic plague in Egypt in the year 1834.
Feb 01 Cholera in United States on this day in history.
Feb 03 In the year 1834 wake Forest University is established.
Feb 04 In the year 1834 amelie Julia Candielle, composer, dies at 66
Feb 06 William Dorsey Pender, Major General (Confederate Army), died in 1863 on this day in history.
Feb 07 Dmitri I Mendelejev, Russian chemist (Periodic Table) on this day in history.
Feb 09 Felix Dahn, writer on this day in history.
Feb 12 Friedrich Schleiermacher, German theologist/philosopher, dies at 65 in the year 1834.
Feb 15 On this day in history william Preece, English electrical engineer/wireless pioneer
Feb 16 In the year 1834 ernst Heinrich Haeckel, Potsdam Germ, biologist (Causes of Evolution)
Feb 16 Lionel Lukin, life boat pioneer, dies on this day in history.
Feb 16 The birth of Ernst Haeckel, German naturalist on this day in history.
Feb 18 In the year 1834 1st US labor newspaper, "The Man," published, NYC
Feb 22 Albert Heinrich Zabel, composer on this day in history.
Feb 23 On this day in history gustav Hermann Nachtigal, German physician/colonizer/consul in Tunis
Feb 26 1st US interstate crime compact (NY-NJ) ratified on this day in history.
Feb 26 On this day in history aleksander Zarzycki, composer
Mar 04 In the year 1834 peter Nicolai von Wilm, composer
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