Historical Events In 1929
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 02 Erich Wichman[n], Dutch fascist painter/sculptor, dies at 38 in the year 1929.
Jan 02 On this day in history uS & Canada agree to preserve Niagara Falls
Jan 02 On this day in history uS &Canada agree to preserve Niagara Falls
Jan 03 On this day in history 27 year old William S Paley becomes CBS pres
Jan 03 27 year old William S Paley becomes CBS president in the year 1929.
Jan 03 In the year 1929 bradman scores 112 vs England at MCG - his first Test century
Jan 04 In the year 1929 amitai W Etzioni, US sociologist (Active Society)
Jan 05 In the year 1929 coup by King Alexander in South Slavia
Jan 06 In the year 1929 alexander I establishes a royal dictatorship in Yugoslavia
Jan 06 On this day in history nicolas Nikolayevitch, grand-duke of Russia, dies at 72
Jan 07 "Buck Rogers," 1st sci-fi comic strip, premieres on this day in history.
Jan 07 On this day in history "Buck Rogers," first sci-fi comic strip, premieres
Jan 07 In the year 1929 douglas Kiker, NBC newsman (1970 Peabody Award)
Jan 07 Henry Arthur Jones, English playwright (Silver King), dies at 77 on this day in history.
Jan 07 On this day in history the first telephone connection between Netherlands &East Indies
Jan 08 In the year 1929 1st telephone connection between Netherlands & West-Indies
Jan 08 On this day in history the first telephone connection between Netherlands & West-Indies
Jan 09 BG DeSylva & Lew Brown's musical "Follow Thru," premieres in NYC on this day in history.
Jan 09 On this day in history heiner Muller, dramatist
Jan 09 In the year 1929 heiner Muller, writer, dies
Jan 10 Elmer Rice's "Street Scene," premieres in NYC on this day in history.
Jan 11 On this day in history julio Antonio Mella, Cuban revolutionary, murdered at about 28
Jan 12 In the year 1929 seatrain (RR cars on ships) service begins, New Orleans-Havana
Jan 13 Humanist Society established, Hollywood CA on this day in history.
Jan 13 Humanist Society established, Hollywood Calif in the year 1929.
Jan 13 Joseph Anthony Pass, guitarist in the year 1929.
Jan 13 In the year 1929 wyatt Earp, US marshall (OK Corral), dies at 80
Jan 14 Afghan King Amanullah forced to resign on this day in history.
Jan 14 In the year 1929 cornelis W Lely, Dutch Governor of Suriname (1902-05), dies at 74
Jan 15 The birth of Martin Luther King, US black civil rights campaigner on this day in history.
Jan 15 On this day in history the birth of Martin Luther King, US black civil rights campaigner2006 NASA's Stardust mission successfully ends, the first to return dust from a comet.
Jan 16 Allard Lowenstein, radical (Students for Democratic Action) on this day in history.
Jan 17 On this day in history king Inayatullah of Afghanistan forced to abdicate after a coup; he ruled for only three days.
Jan 17 Popeye makes 1st appearance, in comic strip "Thimble Theater" in the year 1929.
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