Historical Events In 1936
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 The first newspaper to microfilm its current issues, New York Herald Tribune in the year 1936.
Jan 02 1st electron tube to enable night vision described, St Louis, Mo in the year 1936.
Jan 02 In the year 1936 bradman scores 357 for South Africa vs Victoria, 424 minutes, 40 fours
Jan 02 First electron tube to enable night vision described, St Louis MO in the year 1936.
Jan 04 In the year 1936 billboard magazine publishes its 1st music hit parade
Jan 04 Billboard magazine publishes its first music hit parade on this day in history.
Jan 04 Grimmett becomes world record wicket taker with no 190 vs South Africa in the year 1936.
Jan 06 On this day in history barbara Hanley became Canada's 1st woman mayor (Webbwood, Ontario)
Jan 06 In the year 1936 barbara Hanley became Canada's first woman mayor (Webbwood, Ontario)
Jan 06 On this day in history charles A Stoneham, pres (NY Giants), dies
Jan 07 Howard Francis, cricketer (2 Tests S Af v Eng 1898-99, 39 runs), dies on this day in history.
Jan 07 In the year 1936 tennis champs Helen Moody & Howard Kinsley volley 2,001 times (1h18m)
Jan 07 In the year 1936 tennis champs Helen Moody &Howard Kinsley volley 2,001 times (1h18m)
Jan 09 John Gilbert, actor (Love, Downstairs), dies at 40 on this day in history.
Jan 09 Noël Coward's "Astonished Heart," premieres in London in the year 1936.
Jan 09 Noel Coward's "Astonished Heart," premieres in London on this day in history.
Jan 09 On this day in history semi-automatic rifles adopted by US army
Jan 09 In the year 1936 the United States Army adopted the semiautomatic rifle this day
Jan 10 Charles Wright, cricketer (3 Tests England v S Africa 1895-96), dies in the year 1936.
Jan 11 Charles Anderson enters Kentucky House of Representatives on this day in history.
Jan 14 L M (Mario) Giannini elected president of Bank of America on this day in history.
Jan 15 1st all-glass windowless structure in US completed, Toledo, Ohio on this day in history.
Jan 15 On this day in history henry Forster, cricket (Hants & Oxford U, Gov-Gen of Australia), dies
Jan 15 Horace Stoneham elected president of New York Giants in the year 1936.
Jan 15 Non-profit Ford Foundation incorporates on this day in history.
Jan 15 In the year 1936 the first all-glass windowless structure in US completed, Toledo, Ohio
Jan 16 1st photo finish camera installed at Hialeah Race track in Hialeah Fla in the year 1936.
Jan 16 Screen Actors Guild incorporates with King Vidor as president in the year 1936.
Jan 16 Spanish socialists/communists/anarchists form Unidad Popular in the year 1936.
Jan 16 The first photo finish camera installed at Hialeah Race track in Hialeah FL on this day in history.
Jan 18 In the year 1936 rudyard Kipling, author (Gunga Din, Nobel 1907), dies at 70
Jan 20 Britain's King George V dies and is succeeded by King Edward VIII on this day in history.
Jan 20 On this day in history edward VIII succeeds British king George V
Jan 20 George V, King of Britain (1910-36), dies at 70 on this day in history.
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