Page 16: Historical Events In 1945
Saturday, 29 March 2025
Jun 10 9th Division supported by the RAAF lands at Brunei Bay, beginning the invasion of British North Borneo on this day in history.
Jun 12 US 7th Marine regiment conquer summit of Kunishi Ridge, Okinawa on this day in history.
Jun 13 In the year 1945 australians capture Brunei
Jun 13 Heerjansdam soccer team forms on this day in history.
Jun 14 On this day in history rod Argent, rocker (The Zombies-Never Even Thought)
Jun 16 On this day in history 71st Preakness: Wayne D Wright aboard Polynesian wins in 1:58.8
Jun 17 In the year 1945 australians land at Weston, North Borneo
Jun 17 Day of Unity in West Germany (National Day) on this day in history.
Jun 18 Colonel Roberts, commandant 22nd regiment marines, dies in battle on this day in history.
Jun 18 On this day in history william Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) Brit radio traitor charged with treason
Jun 20 In the year 1945 bruno Frank, writer, dies at 58
Jun 21 Japanese forces on Okinawa surrender to US during WW II on this day in history.
Jun 21 Josef Hora, Czech writer/poet (Sinking Shadows), dies at 53 on this day in history.
Jun 21 In the year 1945 new communist government estblished in Poland
Jun 21 In the year 1945 uS defeat Japanese forces on Okinawa during WW II
Jun 22 Beaufort, Borneo, occupied on this day in history.
Jun 22 In the year 1945 isamu Tsjo, Japanese chief-staff 32nd Army, commits harakiri
Jun 22 On this day in history japanese resistance on Tarakan ends
Jun 23 In the year 1945 77th Belmont: Eddie Arcaro aboard Pavot wins in 2:30.2
Jun 23 Lt Gen Ushijima, Japanese commander, commits suicide at Okinawa in the year 1945.
Jun 24 On this day in history schermerhorn govt forms
Jun 25 Allied landing at Ternate Molukkas in the year 1945.
Jun 25 In the year 1945 carly Simon, NYC, singer (Anticipation, You're So Vain)
Jun 25 On this day in history miri oilfields in Sarawak recaptured
Jun 25 United Nations founded in the year 1945.
Jun 26 In the year 1945 england win the second Victory test cricket at Bramall Lane by 41 runs
Jun 26 On this day in history erno Rapee, composer, dies at 54
Jun 26 In the year 1945 uN Charter signed by 50 nations in SF
Jun 27 Foundation 1940-45 established on this day in history.
Jun 28 On this day in history polish Provisional Govt of National Unity set up by Soviets
Jun 29 20.6 cm rainfall at Litchville North Dakota (state record) in the year 1945.
Jun 29 On this day in history ruthenia, formerly in Czechoslovakia, becomes part of Ukrainian SSR
Jul 01 In the year 1945 troops of the 7th Division land at Balikpapan in south-east Borneo
Jul 02 In the year 1945 uSS Barb (SS-220) bombards Japanese installations on Kaihyo Island, Japan; first successful use of rockets against shore positions.
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