Page 21: Historical Events In 1945
Saturday, 29 March 2025
Oct 07 On this day in history dutch author A M de Jong's murderer Ton van Gog escapes
Oct 08 On this day in history herman T Colenbrander, historian, dies at 73
Oct 08 On this day in history truman announced atomic bomb secret shared with Britain & Canada
Oct 08 Truman announced atomic bomb secret shared with Britain and Canada in the year 1945.
Oct 09 In the year 1945 british troops occupy Andamanen in Gulf of Bengal
Oct 10 On this day in history detroit Tigers beat Chicago Cubs, 4 games to 3 in 42nd World Series
Oct 11 On this day in history chinese civil war begins, Chiang Kai-Shek vs Mao Tse-Tung
Oct 11 Typhoon hits Okinawa, damaging many Navy ships in the year 1945.
Oct 12 Jesse James Payne, lynched in Madison County Florida in the year 1945.
Oct 14 In the year 1945 chicago Cardinals end a record 29-game losing streak, beat Bears
Oct 15 On this day in history baseball Attendance hits record 10.28 million (Tigers 1.28 is highest)
Oct 15 French statesman Pierre Laval is executed for betraying his country to Nazis in World War Two on this day in history.
Oct 15 Pierre Laval former premier of Vichy France, executed in the year 1945.
Oct 15 Pierre Laval, former premier of Vichy France, executed at 62 on this day in history.
Oct 16 In the year 1945 uN's Food & Agriculture Organization comes into existence
Oct 17 Juan Peron becomes dictator of Argentina on this day in history.
Oct 18 Nazi war crime trial opens in Nuremberg in the year 1945.
Oct 19 In the year 1945 foundation of War Widow's Guild of Australia The guild's first president was Mrs Jessie Vasey, widow of Major-General GA Vasey, who had asked his wife to "look after the widows"
Oct 20 On this day in history supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Lawrence opens trial of Neurenberg
Oct 21 In the year 1945 women in France allowed to vote for 1st time
Oct 21 On this day in history women in France allowed to vote for first time
Oct 23 Jackie Robinson signs Montreal Royal contract on this day in history.
Oct 24 Charter of United Nations of force became on this day in history.
Oct 24 Robert Ley, German nazi, commits suicide in the year 1945.
Oct 24 United Nations are created on this day in history.
Oct 24 United Nations Charter becomes effective in the year 1945.
Oct 25 In the year 1945 japanese surrender Taiwan to Gen Chiang Kai-shek
Oct 27 "Carib Song" closes at Adelphi Theater NYC after 36 performances in the year 1945.
Oct 29 In the year 1945 1st ball point pen goes on sale, 57 years after it is patented
Oct 29 The first ball point pen goes on sale, 57 years after it was patented on this day in history.
Oct 30 In the year 1945 branch Rickey signs Jackie Robinson to a Montreal Royals
Oct 30 In the year 1945 henry Winkler, actor (Happy Days, the Fonz) born
Oct 30 In the year 1945 uS government announces end of shoe rationing
Oct 31 Henry Ainley, actor (As You Like It), dies at 66 in the year 1945.
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