1113 Odo/Odardus van Kamerijk, French writer/bishop of Kamerijk, dies on this day in history. 

1312 Death of Piers Gaveston, earl of Cornwall, beheaded on this day in history. 

1341 Juliana van Falconieri, Italian saint/Swedish tenor, dies on this day in history. 

1542 Death of Leo Jud[ae], Swiss pastor/church reformer on this day in history. 

1545 Death of Abraomas Kulvietis Lithuanian reformer (b. 1509) on this day in history. 

1554 On this day in history sixt[us] Birck [Xystus Betulius], German writer (Judith), dies at 53 

1584 On this day in history death of françois, Duke of Anjou (b. 1555) 

1608 Death of Alberico Gentili, Italian jurist (b. 1551) on this day in history.