Historical Events In 1703
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 11 Columban Praelisauer, composer on this day in history.
Jan 16 Matteo Coferati, composer, dies at 64 on this day in history.
Jan 20 Joseph-Hector Fiocco, composer in the year 1703.
Jan 29 Carlmann Kolb, composer in the year 1703.
Feb 04 In the year 1703 in Edo (now Tokyo), 46 of the Forty-Seven Ronin commit seppuku (ritual suicide) as recompense for avenging their master's death.
Mar 01 Dieudonne Raick, composer on this day in history.
Mar 03 On this day in history robert Hooke, scientific genius, dies in London
Mar 20 On this day in history johann Kunckel/Kunkel, German alchemist/ambassador to Sweden, dies
Mar 24 In the year 1703 jose F de Isla, [Francisco de Salazar], Spanish Jesuit/writer
Apr 16 On this day in history caffarelli, [Gaetano Majorano], Italian castra singer/duke
Apr 26 Georg Christoph Leuttner, composer, dies at 58 on this day in history.
May 01 Battle at Rultusk Swedish army beats Russians on this day in history.
May 01 Battle at Rultusk: Swedish army beats Russians in the year 1703.
May 01 Kiva Yoshinaka, Japanese monarch, murdered in the year 1703.
May 02 In the year 1703 portugal signs treaty with England to become a Great Covenant
May 03 In the year 1703 eglon van de Down, still-life painter, dies
May 08 In the year 1703 gottlob Harrer, composer
May 16 Charles Perrault, author/fairy tale writer, dies on this day in history.
May 18 Dutch & English troops occupy Cologne in the year 1703.
May 21 Roemer Vlacq, Dutch admiral, dies in battle on this day in history.
May 26 In the year 1703 samuel Pepys, English marine expert (Diary)/composer, dies at 70
May 27 St Petersburg (Leningrad) founded by Peter the Great on this day in history.
Jun 15 In the year 1703 gillis Schey, Dutch admiral (battle at Lowestoft), dies at 58
Jun 17 In the year 1703 john B Wesley, England, religion co-founder (Methodists)
Jul 31 Daniel Defoe is placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel after publishing a politically satirical pamphlet, but is pelted with flowers in the year 1703.
Aug 21 In the year 1703 turkish army removes sultan Mustafa II
Sep 03 Johan-Theodoor van Bayern, prince-bishop of Luik/cardinal on this day in history.
Sep 07 Jean Monnet, composer on this day in history.
Sep 12 Emperor Leopold I ends contacts on Spanish heritage in the year 1703.
Sep 20 On this day in history archibald Campbell, Scot milt man (blood bath of Glencoe), dies at 52
Sep 23 In the year 1703 jean-Marie Leclair, composer
Oct 03 Pieter van Wooden, Amersfoorts rebel leader, beheaded in the year 1703.
Oct 05 Jonathan Edwards, US, theologian/philosopher (Original Sin) in the year 1703.
Oct 28 In the year 1703 john Wallis, English mathematician/cryptographer (wig of W), dies
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