Famous Personalities Born In February - 22
Friday, 21 February 2025
1040 Rashi, French rabbi (d. 1105) was born on this day in history.
1403 Charles VII, King of France (1422-61), drove out English was born on this day in history.
1403 Charles VII of France (d. 1461) was born on this day in history.
1440 Ladislaus V Posthumus, King of Hungary/Bohemia was born on this day in history.
1500 On February - 22 birth of cardinal Rodolfo Pio da Carpi, Italian humanist (d. 1564)
1514 Tahmasp I, shah of Persia (1524-76)/author (Tazkire-i Shah) was born on this day in history.
1542 On this day in history birth of santino Garsi, composer
1573 On February - 22 birth of gemignano Capilupi, composer
1599 On February - 22 birth of anthony Van Dyck, Antwerp Belgium, painter
1612 George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol, English statesman (d. 1677) was born on February - 22.
1634 Petrus "Pieter" van Schooten, fortress architect was born on February - 22.
1684 William Pulteney, London, statesman (Earl of Bath) was born on February - 22.
1705 On this day in history birth of peter Arctedius, [Artedi], Swedish biologist
1714 Louis-Georges de Bréquigny, French historian (d. 1795) was born on this day in history.
1732 George Washington, Virginia, 1st pres (1789-97) was born on this day in history.
1745 On February - 22 birth of joao de Sousa Carvalho, composer
1749 On this day in history birth of johann Nikolaus Forkel, musicologist/1st biographer of Bach
1756 On February - 22 birth of georg Friedrich von Martens, German diplomat (d. 1821)
1761 On February - 22 birth of erik Eriksson Tulindberg, composer
1761 On February - 22 birth of jacob Kimball, composer
1764 Alexander Campbell, composer was born on this day in history.
1770 Jan Matyas Nepomuk August Vitasek, composer was born on this day in history.
1772 On this day in history birth of joseph Lipavsky, composer
1772 Karl Jacob Wagner, composer was born on this day in history.
1773 Matthijs I van Bree, Flemish (court)painter was born on February - 22.
1778 Rembrandt Peale, portrait/historical painter (Court of Death) was born on February - 22.
1779 On this day in history birth of joachim Nicolas Eggert, composer
1788 Arthur Schopenhauer, Germany, philosopher (Great Pessimist) was born on this day in history.
1796 Adolphe Quetelet, Belgium, mathematician/astronomer/statistician was born on this day in history.
1796 Alexis Bachelot, French missionary (d. 1837) was born on this day in history.
1797 William I, Berlin, King of Prussia (1861-88)/German Emperor (1871-88) was born on this day in history.
1798 On February - 22 birth of charles Mynn Thruston, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1873
1806 Józef Kremer, Polish messianistic philosopher (d. 1875) was born on this day in history.
1810 Frederic F Chopin, Polish/French pianist/composer [OS] was born on this day in history.