Historical Events In 1552
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 03 Henry II of Bavaria, bishop of Utrecht (1524-29), dies at 64 in the year 1552.
Jan 11 In the year 1552 johannes Cochlaeus, [Dobeneck], German humanist/theologist, dies
Jan 12 In the year 1552 dutch west coast hit by heavy storm, 100s killed
Jan 15 On this day in history france signs secret treaty with German Protestants
Jan 22 Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, beheaded for treason on this day in history.
Jan 23 2nd version of Book of Common Prayer becomes mandatory in England on this day in history.
Jan 23 2nd version of Book of Common Prayer becomes manditory in England on this day in history.
Feb 01 On this day in history edward Coke, Mileham Norfolk, jurist/politician (defended common law)
Feb 15 In the year 1552 dutch coast hit by heavy storm
Feb 24 Privileges of Hanseatic League in England are abrogated in the year 1552.
Feb 24 In the year 1552 privileges of the Hanseatic League in England are abrogated
Feb 26 In the year 1552 heinrich Faber, German composer
Feb 28 Jobst Borgi, [Justus Byrgius], Swiss/German mathematician on this day in history.
Mar 26 Guru Amar Das becomes the Third Sikh Guru in the year 1552.
Apr 04 In the year 1552 mauritius van Saksen begins alliance with Karel Anikita Stroganov
Apr 10 In the year 1552 henri II of France occupies Metz
Apr 14 In the year 1552 laurentius Andreae, [Lars Andersson], Swedish church reformer, dies
Apr 18 John Leland, antiquary, dies on this day in history.
Apr 18 In the year 1552 mauritius of Saksen occupies Linz
Apr 19 On this day in history mauritius of Saksen captures Karel
Apr 21 Peter Apianus, [Bennewitz/Bienewitz], German astronomer, dies at 50 on this day in history.
Jun 10 On this day in history alexander Barclay, English poet
Jun 12 Land guardians of Netherlands attacks Verdun on this day in history.
Jul 17 On this day in history siena drives Spanish troops out of Verdun
Jul 18 On this day in history rudolf II, of Habsburg, emperor of Germany (1576-1612)
Aug 02 Treaty of Passau: Emperor Charles V accepts Lutheran religion on this day in history.
Aug 14 Fra Paolo Sarpi, [Paulus Venetus], expert/philosopher in the year 1552.
Sep 17 Paul V, [Camillo Borghese], Italy, Pope (1605-21) on this day in history.
Oct 02 In the year 1552 conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.
Oct 06 In the year 1552 matteo Ricci, Italian missionary (China)
Oct 15 Khanate of Kazan is conquered by troops of Ivan Grozny on this day in history.
Oct 17 In the year 1552 andreas Osiander, Protestant Reformation theologist, dies at 53
Oct 29 On this day in history czar Ivan IV escapes back to Moscow after battle
Oct 31 On this day in history emperor Karel & Markgraaf Albecht strike siege for Metz
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