Historical Events In 1500
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 05 Duke Ludovico Sforza's troops reconquer Milan in the year 1500.
Jan 26 In the year 1500 vicente Yáñez Pinzón becomes the first European to set foot on Brazil.
Feb 17 On this day in history battle of Hemmingstedt.
Feb 24 In the year 1500 carlos V, King of Spain (1516-56)/Holy Roman Emperor
Mar 03 Reginald Pole, English Cardinal/"heretic" on this day in history.
Mar 09 Pedro Cabral departs with 13 ships to India in the year 1500.
Apr 08 Battle at Novara: King Louis XII beats duke Ludovico Sforza on this day in history.
Apr 10 In the year 1500 france captures duke Ludovico Sforza of Milan
Apr 11 Michael T Marullus, Greeks poet, drowns in the year 1500.
Apr 12 Joachim Camerarius, [Liebhard Kammerer], German humanist in the year 1500.
Apr 22 On this day in history pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil
Apr 22 Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil & claims it for Portugal in the year 1500.
Apr 22 The area that became Brazil is discovered by Portuguese explorers in the year 1500.
Apr 23 In the year 1500 alexander Alesius, [Aless/Alane], System theologist/physician
Apr 23 Pedro Cabral lands & annexes Brazil (Terra da Vera Cruz) on this day in history.
May 29 On this day in history bartholomeu Diaz de Narvaez (Novaez), Portuguese sea explorer, drowns
Jun 25 On this day in history pope Alexander VI accept Treaty of Granada
Jul 15 Duke Albrecht of Saxon beats Friese rebellion on this day in history.
Aug 10 On this day in history portuguese sea captain Diego Diaz is first European to sight Madagascar
Sep 12 On this day in history albrecht III van Saxon-Meisen, duke of Saxon, dies at 57
Sep 15 John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury on this day in history.
Oct 01 John Alcock, English Catholic bishop on this day in history.
Nov 01 In the year 1500 benvenuto Cellini, sculptor/goldsmith/author (Perseus)
Nov 11 Treaty of Granada: France & Aragon divide Naples in the year 1500.
Nov 25 Governor De Bobadilla of Santo Domingo captures Columbus in the year 1500.