Page 2: Quotations Page With 'E'
Sunday, 30 March 2025
Wealth, power and efficiency are the appurtenances of life and not life itself.
- S.Radhakrishnan, Great Indians -
One has to achieve not merely technical efficiency but greatness of spirit.
- S.Radhakrishnan, Great Indians -
There is nothing which has not been better before being ripe.
- Publius Syrus -
We must so strive that each man may regard himself as the chief cause of the victory.
- Xeo phon -
Faith in conceptual reason is the logical counterpart of the egoism which makes the selfish ego the deadliest ego of the soul.
- S.Radhakrishnan, Eastern Religions -
I find no sweeter fat that sticks to my own bones.
- Walt Whitman, Song of Myself -
He mouths a sentence as curs mouth a bone.
- Churchill, Rosciad -
Thoughts that breathe and words that burn.
- Gray -
Eloquence is the mistress of all the arts.
- Tacitus, De Oratotibus --
Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.
- Swift, Thoughts on Varius Subjects -
All empire is an immense egotism.
- Emerson, The Young American -
All empire is no more than power in trust.
- Absalom, and Achitophel -
The hand of little employment hath the daintier sense.
- Shakespeare, Hamlet -
Envy, to which the ignoble mind's slave,Is emulation in the learned or brave.
- Pope, Essay on Man -
All may do what by man has been done.
- Young -
Let the end try the man.All's well that ends well, still the finis is the crown.
- Shakespeare -
We always succeed when we only wish to do well.
- Rousseau, Emile -
Hard things are compassed oft by easy means.
- Massinger, New way to Pay Old Debts -
There is an endless merit in man's knowing when to have done.
- Carlyle, Francia -
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