Page 5: Quotations Page With 'E'
Sunday, 30 March 2025
The survival of the fittest, which I have here sought to express in mechanical terms, is that which Mr.Darwin has called 'natural selection', or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.
- Herbert Spencer, Principles of Biology -
Evolution is not the force but a process, not a cause but a law.
- Lord morley, Compromise -
Nothing is so infectious as example.
- Charles Kingsley -
Example is lesson that all men can read.
- Gilbert West -
Fearless minds climb soonest upon crowns.
- Shakespeare -
The best things carried to excess are wrong.
- Churchill, Rosciad -
Experience keeps a dear school , yet Fools will learn in another.
- Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac for 1743 -
A sadder and a wiser man.He rose the morrow morn.
- S.T.Coleridge -
I wish he would explain his explanation.
- Byron, Don Juan -
The language of the soul never lends itself to expression. It rises superior to the body. Language is a limitation of the truth which can only be represented by life.
- Mahatma Gandhi, Harijan -
Extravagance and good luck, by long custom, go hand in hand.
- Madame D.Arblay, Camilla -
Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.
- Theophratus -
Avoid extremes.
- Clecobulus of Lindes -
Excess of sorrow laughs, excess of joy weeps.
- Wm.Blake, Proverbs of Hell -
Nither great poverty nor great riches will hear reason.
- Fielding -
The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.
- German Proverb -
We must look the world in the face with calm eyes even though the eyes of the world are bloodshot today.
- Mahatma Gandhi -
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