Historical Events In 1340
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 26 In the year 1340 english king Edward III proclaimed king of France
Mar 31 Ivan I Kalita, grand-duke of Vladimir, dies in the year 1340.
Apr 01 Niels Ebbesen kills Gerhard III of Holstein in his bedroom, ending the 1332-1340 interregnum in Denmark on this day in history.
Jun 01 On this day in history jan III van Diest, bishop of Utrecht (1322-40), dies
Jun 07 Rotterdam Netherlands founded on this day in history.
Jun 24 In the year 1340 battle at Lock: English fleet beats France/Genuezen, 10-30,000 killed
Jul 18 Philip van Artevelde, wine salesman/lord lt of Flanders on this day in history.
Sep 25 England & France sign disarmament treaty in the year 1340.
Oct 18 Henry Henricus of Friemar, Augustine philosopher, dies on this day in history.
Oct 30 Battle of Rio Salado in the year 1340.
Nov 28 In the year 1340 battle of Salado Spain: last Moor invasion driven back
Nov 30 John duke of Berry, captain of Paris/art collector in the year 1340.