Historical Events In 1561
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 22 In the year 1561 francis Bacon, England, statesman/essayist (Novum Organum)
Jan 22 In the year 1561 the birth of Francis Bacon, English politician and philospher
Jan 28 On this day in history by Edict of Orleans persecution of French Huguenots is suspended
Jan 31 Menno Simonsz, Dutch priest/vicar (Foundation Book), dies on this day in history.
Feb 19 On this day in history mary Proclaimed Queen of Scots
Feb 22 On this day in history william of Orange appointed viceroy of Burgundy/Charolais
Feb 26 Jorge de Montemayor, Spanish writer in the year 1561.
Mar 05 On this day in history carlo Caraffa, Italian cardinal, dies at 41
Mar 29 In the year 1561 santorio Sanctorius, Trieste Italy, physician/burned at stake/heretic
Apr 14 In the year 1561 a battle of UFOs was seen in the sky over Nuremberg Germany
Jun 24 On this day in history rombout Hogerbeets, lawyer/pension minister of Leiden
Jul 02 Menas, Emperor of Ethiopia, defeats a revolt in Emfraz on this day in history.
Aug 19 Mary Proclaimed Queen of Scots on this day in history.
Aug 19 In the year 1561 mary Queen of Scots arrives in Leith Scotland to assume throne after spending 13 years in France
Aug 20 Jacopo Peri, composer on this day in history.
Aug 24 In the year 1561 willem of Orange marries duchess Anna of Saxon
Aug 29 Bartholomeus Pitiscus, German mathematician (Trigonometry) in the year 1561.
Sep 09 In the year 1561 sermon of Poissy
Sep 23 King Philip II of Spain forbids Spanish settlements in Florida on this day in history.
Sep 29 Roomen, mathematician in the year 1561.
Oct 18 Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima -- Takeda Shingen defeats Uesugi Kenshin in the climax of their ongoing conflicts on this day in history.
Oct 21 Johannes Vasaeus, Flemish humanist/historian, dies at about 49 on this day in history.
Nov 21 In the year 1561 carolus Scribani, Italian/Flemish jesuit/author
Nov 29 On this day in history lofland subjects himself on Sigismund August II of Poland
Dec 09 Edwin Sandys, a founder of Virginia colony in the year 1561.
Dec 21 In the year 1561 archbishop Granvelle installed