Historical Events In 1710
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 04 Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Italian composer (Il Prigioniero Superbo) on this day in history.
Jan 05 Friedrich Wilhelm Reidt, composer in the year 1710.
Jan 07 On this day in history josef Antonin Sehling, composer
Jan 27 In the year 1710 czar Peter the Great sets 1st Russian state budget
Jan 27 Czar Peter the Great sets first Russian state budget on this day in history.
Jan 30 Vigilio Blasio Faitello, composer on this day in history.
Feb 01 Konrad E Ackermann, German actor (Die Oberpfalz) on this day in history.
Feb 07 William Boyce, English organist/composer of Cathedral music on this day in history.
Feb 15 Louis XV the Well-Beloved, Versailles, King of France (1715-74) in the year 1710.
Feb 20 On this day in history johan Willem Friso becomes viceroy of Groningen Neth
Feb 20 Johan Willem Friso becomes viceroy of Groningen Netherlands on this day in history.
Feb 21 Willem van Haren, Frisian nobleman/poet (Human Life) in the year 1710.
Feb 28 In the year 1710 in the Battle of Helsingborg, 14,000 Danish invaders under Jørgen Rantzau are decisively defeated by an equally sized Swedish force under Magnus Stenbock.
Mar 06 Giuseppi Antonio Paganelli, composer in the year 1710.
Mar 12 On this day in history the birth of Thomas Arne, Composer of operas and 'Rule Brittania'
Mar 12 In the year 1710 thomas Augustine Arne, English composer (Alfred, Rule Britannia)
Mar 27 Joseph Marie Clement dall' Abaco, composer on this day in history.
Apr 10 In the year 1710 the first law regulating copyright is issued in Great Britain.
Apr 14 Marie A C de Camargo, Spanish/Italian/Belgian dancer in the year 1710.
Apr 18 In the year 1710 pierre de La Barre, composer, dies at 75
Apr 25 In the year 1710 james Ferguson, astronomer
Apr 28 On this day in history thomas Betterton, English actor
May 01 On this day in history great Northern War plague outbreak in Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania
May 10 Georg Dietrich Leiding, composer, dies at 46 in the year 1710.
May 14 Adolf Frederik, king of Sweden (1751-70) on this day in history.
May 23 Francois-Gaspard Adam, French sculptor (garden sculptures) in the year 1710.
Jun 06 Francoise de la Baume Le Blanc, mistress of king Louis XIV, dies at 65 on this day in history.
Jun 25 Antonius Matthaeus, Dutch lawyer/historian, dies at 74 in the year 1710.
Jul 07 On this day in history arvid Niclas Hopken, composer
Jul 18 On this day in history michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Ital painter, dies at 36
Aug 07 Earl van Godolphin resigns as English minister of Finance in the year 1710.
Aug 09 Gabriel Schutz, composer, dies at 77 in the year 1710.
Aug 20 Thomas Simpson, English mathematician (rules of Simpson) in the year 1710.
Oct 13 In the year 1710 english troops occupy Acadia (Nova Scotia)
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