Historical Events In 1722
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 07 Antoine Coypel, French painter/poet, dies at 60 in the year 1722.
Jan 14 Friedrich Gottlob Fleischer, composer in the year 1722.
Jan 24 Czar Peter the Great begins civil system in the year 1722.
Jan 24 In the year 1722 edward Wigglesworth appointed first US divinity professor (Harvard)
Jan 26 In the year 1722 prestonpans
Jan 28 In the year 1722 johann Ernst Bach, composer
Mar 08 Afghan monarch Mir Mahmud occupies Persia in the year 1722.
Mar 17 In the year 1722 willem KH Friso appointed mayor of Drente
Mar 31 On this day in history campegius Vitringa, Dutch theologist/exegete, dies at 62
Apr 05 In the year 1722 jacob Roggeveen discovers Easter Island
Apr 06 Peter the Great ends tax on men with beards in the year 1722.
Apr 11 Christopher Smart, English poet & journalist (Ceremony of Carols) in the year 1722.
Apr 12 On this day in history pietro Nardini, composer
Apr 13 In the year 1722 charles Leslie, Irish controversialist, dies
Apr 22 19 VOC "komplotteurs" in Batavia executed in the year 1722.
Apr 22 Pieter Erberfeld, German/Thais merchant on Java, dies in the year 1722.
Apr 30 Game of Billiards is mentioned in New England Courant in the year 1722.
Apr 30 The game of Billiards is mentioned in the New England Courant in the year 1722.
May 03 Pierre de Marivaux' "La Double Inconstance" premieres in Paris France on this day in history.
May 03 In the year 1722 pierre de Marivaux' "La Double Inconstance," premieres in Paris
May 11 Peter Camper, Leyden Holland, anatomist/professor (Amsterdam) on this day in history.
May 21 Wilhelm Gottfried Enderle, composer in the year 1722.
May 22 On this day in history johannes Schmidlin, composer
Jun 05 Johann Kuhnau, composer, dies at 62 on this day in history.
Jun 06 On this day in history adrien Trudo Sale, composer
Jun 08 In the year 1722 jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht, composer
Jun 16 John Churchill up Marlborough, English general strategist, dies at 72 on this day in history.
Jun 30 On this day in history hungarian Parliament condemns emperor Karel VI's Pragmatic Sanctions
Jun 30 In the year 1722 jiri Antonin Benda, composer
Jul 16 Joseph Wilton, sculptor on this day in history.
Jul 22 Jean-Noel/Joannes Natalis Paquot, Belgian priest/historian on this day in history.
Jul 25 The Three Years War begins along the Maine and Massachusetts border on this day in history.
Sep 12 Russian troops occupy Baku & Derbent on Persia in the year 1722.
Sep 14 In the year 1722 joseph Paul Ziegler, composer
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