Historical Events In 1730
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 Daniel Finch, 2nd earl of Nottingham, dies at 82 on this day in history.
Jan 03 Charles Palissot de Montenoy, French writer/politician on this day in history.
Jan 12 Johann Joachim Christoph Bode, composer on this day in history.
Jan 14 In the year 1730 william Whipple, merchant/judge (Declaration of Independence signer)
Jan 15 John Malchair, composer in the year 1730.
Jan 18 Peter II, czar of Russia (1727-30), dies at 14 on this day in history.
Jan 23 Joseph Hewes, US merchant (Declaration of Independence signer) in the year 1730.
Jan 30 Peter II Alekseyevitch, emperor of Russia (1727-30), dies at 14 on this day in history.
Feb 21 In the year 1730 benedict XIII, [Pietro F Orsini], Pope (1724-30), dies at 81
Feb 21 On this day in history charles L Fournier, Flemish writer/painter
Feb 23 On this day in history christian Joseph Lidarti, composer
Feb 28 Tsarina Anna Ivanovna leads autocracy on this day in history.
Mar 16 In the year 1730 willem Charles Henry Friso installed as viceroy of Drenthe
Apr 08 In the year 1730 1st Jewish congregation in US forms synagogue, "Shearith Israel, NYC"
Apr 21 Antonin Kammel, composer in the year 1730.
Apr 21 Jan Palfijn, Flemish physician/inventor (forceps), dies at 79 on this day in history.
Apr 25 On this day in history fedele Fenaroli, composer
May 01 In the year 1730 yellow fever in Spain
May 10 In the year 1730 george Ross, US judge (signed Declaration of Independence)
May 13 Charles Watson-Wentworth 2nd marquis of Rockingham, Engl PM (1765-76) in the year 1730.
May 15 In the year 1730 robert Walpole becomes England 1st prime minister (was: chief min)
May 15 Robert Walpole becomes England first prime minister (was chief minister) on this day in history.
May 29 William Jackson, composer in the year 1730.
Jun 07 Georg von Pasterwiz, composer on this day in history.
Jun 14 Antonio Maria Gasparo Giaccino Sacchini, composer [or Jul 23 1734] on this day in history.
Jun 20 On this day in history nonnosus Madlseder, composer
Jun 21 Norinaga Moto'ori, Japanese scientist on this day in history.
Jun 26 In the year 1730 charles Joseph Messier, astronomer (cataloguer of "M objects")
Jul 12 On this day in history josiah Wedgwood, England, pottery designer/manufacturer (Wedgwood)
Jul 12 On this day in history lorenzo Corsini chosen as Pope Clemens XII
Jul 12 In the year 1730 the birth of Josiah Wedgwood, English potter
Jul 16 Elijiah Fenton, poet, dies in the year 1730.
Jul 19 In the year 1730 jean-Baptiste Loeillet, composer, dies at 49
Jul 21 On this day in history states of Holland put death penalty on "sodomy"
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