Historical Events In 1777
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 Emanuele Barbella, composer, dies at 58 on this day in history.
Jan 01 Micah Hawkins, composer on this day in history.
Jan 02 Christian D Rauch, German sculptor on this day in history.
Jan 03 On this day in history general George Washington's troops emerge victorious against the British in the Battle of Princeton.
Jan 03 On this day in history louis Poinsot, French instrument worker
Jan 03 On this day in history washington defeats British at Battle of Princeton, NJ
Jan 08 On this day in history filippo Traetta, Italy, composer/musicologist
Jan 12 Mission Santa Clara de Asis founded in Calif on this day in history.
Jan 12 Mission Santa Clara de Asis founded in California on this day in history.
Jan 15 People of New Connecticut (Vermont) declare independence from England in the year 1777.
Jan 16 In the year 1777 vermont declares independence from NY
Jan 18 In the year 1777 san Jose CA founded
Jan 18 In the year 1777 san Jose California, founded
Jan 25 Elias Canneman, Dutch liberal minister of Finance (1813-14) on this day in history.
Feb 05 In the year 1777 georgia becomes 1st US state to abolish both entail & primogeniture
Feb 05 In the year 1777 georgia becomes first US state to abolish both entail &primogeniture
Feb 13 de Sade arrested without charge, imprisoned in Vincennes fortress on this day in history.
Feb 13 In the year 1777 marquis de Sade arrested without charge, imprisoned in Vincennes fortress
Feb 16 In the year 1777 messier adds M53 to his catalog (globular cluster in Coma Berenice)
Feb 21 English ambassador Joseph Yorke demands dismissal of Governor John de Graaff for saluting US flag in the year 1777.
Mar 01 On this day in history georg Christoph Wagenzeil, Austria (court)composer/pianist, dies at 62
Mar 08 Regiments from Ansbach and Bayreuth, sent to support Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, mutiny in the town of Ochsenfurt on this day in history.
Mar 09 Alexander Orlowski, Polish painter/cartoonist/graphic artist in the year 1777.
Mar 17 Roger Brooke Taney, Calvert Md, 5th Chief Justice (Dred Scott dec) in the year 1777.
Mar 19 In the year 1777 anton R Falck, Dutch minister of Education/diplomat
Mar 22 On this day in history john Bartram, father of American botany, dies at 77
Apr 12 On this day in history henry Clay, [the Great Compromiser], US politician
Apr 14 NY adopts new constitution as an independent state in the year 1777.
Apr 16 On this day in history battle of Bennington-New England's Green Mountain Boys rout Brits
Apr 18 In the year 1777 ignac Ruzitska, composer
Apr 20 In the year 1777 new York adopts new constitution as an independent state
Apr 26 In the year 1777 sybil Ludington, 16, rode from NY to Ct rallying her fathers militia
Apr 30 On this day in history carl Friedrich Gauss, world's great mathematician
Apr 30 The birth of Karl Friedrich Gauss, German mathematician in the year 1777.
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