Historical Events In 1854
Tuesday, 04 March 2025
Jan 01 On this day in history james Frazer, Britain, anthropologist/author (The Golden Bough)
Jan 01 Lincoln University, a black college, chartered (Oxford PA) on this day in history.
Jan 01 Lincoln University, a black college, chartered (Oxford, Penn) on this day in history.
Jan 04 In the year 1854 the McDonald Islands are discovered by Captain William McDonald aboard the Samarang.
Jan 05 Steamship San Francisco wrecked-300 die in the year 1854.
Jan 06 On this day in history sherlock Holmes, Mycroft, fictional detective (via Arthur Conan Doyle)
Jan 09 In the year 1854 astor Library opens in New York City NY
Jan 09 In the year 1854 astor Library opens in NYC
Jan 09 Filippo Traetta, [Philip Trajetta], Ital composer, dies at 77 on this day in history.
Jan 10 Peter Gast, composer in the year 1854.
Jan 13 Anthony Foss patents accordion in the year 1854.
Jan 13 On this day in history anthony Foss patents the accordion
Jan 18 Filibuster William Walker proclaims Republic of Sonora in NW México on this day in history.
Jan 18 Filibuster William Walker proclaims Republic of Sonora in NW Mexico on this day in history.
Jan 18 Juda Turo, American philanthropist, dies on this day in history.
Jan 18 In the year 1854 thomas A Watson, needed by Bell, inventor assistant (Telephone)
Jan 21 The Cardiff schooner Catherine o'Flanagan, stranded near Tyrella, in Dundrum Bay, Northern Ireland. Although the ship did not suffer much damage in the stranding the crew had abandoned her before she hit the shore and were drowned in the breakers in the year 1854.
Jan 25 Aleksandr Ostrovsky's "Bednost ne Porok," premieres in Moscow in the year 1854.
Jan 29 Willem PC Knuttel, Dutch bibliographer/librarian on this day in history.
Jan 30 On this day in history 1st election in Washington Territory; 1,682 votes cast
Jan 30 The first election in Washington Territory; 1,682 votes cast on this day in history.
Jan 31 In the year 1854 dutch KNMI established (Royal Meteorological Institute)
Feb 01 On this day in history broad Street cholera outbreak in England killing 616 people
Feb 01 On this day in history fire destroys Parliament Buildings at Quebec; government transfers to Toronto; hastens the decision to move to Ottawa
Feb 02 In the year 1854 pope Pius IX encyclical "On persecution of Armenians"
Feb 04 Alvan Bovay proposes name "Republican Party," Ripon, Wisc in the year 1854.
Feb 04 In the year 1854 alvan Bovay proposes the name "Republican Party," Ripon WI
Feb 04 On this day in history carl Ludwig Cornelius Westenholz, composer, dies at 66
Feb 06 Composer R Schumann is saved from suicide attempt into the Rhine on this day in history.
Feb 09 Aletta [Henriette] Jacobs, 1st Dutch female physician on this day in history.
Feb 11 On this day in history major streets lit by coal gas for 1st time
Feb 11 In the year 1854 major streets lit by coal gas for first time
Feb 16 Franz Liszts symphony "Orpheus," premieres on this day in history.
Feb 16 Oscar Fetras, composer in the year 1854.